
Pretty fast linter (code static analysis utility) for PHP

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


NoVerify is a linter for PHP: it searches for potential problems in your code. It allows to write your own rules as well and it has no config: all reports it generates are potential errors that must be fixed, or some PHPDoc annotations must be written.

This tool is written in Go (https://golang.org/) using PHP parser from z7zmey (https://github.com/z7zmey/php-parser).

It aims to understand PHP code at least as well as PHPStorm does, which is not an easy task. Please open issues for any behaviour you find to be incorrect or suboptimal.


  1. Fast: analyze ~100k LOC/s (lines of code per second) on Core i7
  2. Incremental: can analyze changes in git and show only new reports. Indexing speed is ~1M LOC/s.
  3. Experimental language server for VS Code and other editors that support language server protocol.

Default lints

NoVerify by default has the following checks:

  • Unreachable code
  • Array access to non-array type (beta)
  • Too few arguments when calling a function/method
  • Call to undefined function/method
  • Fetching of undefined constant/class property
  • Class not found
  • PHPDoc is incorrect
  • Undefined variable
  • Variable not always defined
  • Case without "break;"
  • Syntax error
  • Unused variable
  • Incorrect access to private/protected elements
  • Incorrect implementation of IteratorAggregate interface
  • Incorrect array definition, e.g. duplicate keys

Custom lints

You can write your own checks that can use type information from NoVerify and check for complex things, e.g. enforcing that strings are compared only using === operator. See example folder to see some examples of custom checks.


In order to install NoVerify, you will need the following:

  1. Go toolchain (https://golang.org/)
  2. PHPStorm stubs cloned somewhere (https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs)

Once go is installed, you need to execute the following:

$ go get -u github.com/VKCOM/noverify

Your noverify binary will be located at $GOPATH/bin/noverify, usually this translates to $HOME/go/bin/noverify.


Analyze full project

In order to get reports for all files in repository, run the following:

$ noverify -stubs-dir=/path/to/phpstorm-stubs -cache-dir=$HOME/tmp/cache/noverify /path/to/your/project/root

You need to specify path to cloned phpstorm-stubs dir (https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs) and directory for cache. Next launch would be much faster with cache if you specify some cache directory.

The command will print you some progress messages and reports like that:

ERROR   Class not found \Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem at vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Tests/KernelTest.php:35
        $fs = new Filesystem();

Command exit code will be 2 if there are reports found with non-MAYBE level. There are several severity levels for the reports: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, HINT, UNUSED, MAYBE, SYNTAX.

Analyze only git diff (e.g. in pre-push hook)

It is possible to only show new reports in changed code when it has been changed using git. Only changed files will be checked in this mode unless -git-full-diff option is specified. Changes are compared to previous commit, excluding changes made to master branch that is fetched to ORIGIN_MASTER.

Here is an example of command to check for changes that you are going to push:


# Prepare git arguments
git fetch --no-tags -q origin master:ORIGIN_MASTER
ref=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
prev_ref=`git rev-parse -q --verify origin/$ref`
if [ -z "$prev_ref" ]; then

# Call noverify

Here is the short summary of options used here:

  • -git specifies path to .git directory
  • -git-skip-fetch is a flag to disable automatic fetch of master:ORIGIN_MASTER (it is already done in this hook)
  • -git-commit-from and -git-commit-to specify range of commits to analyze
  • -git-ref is name of pushed branch
  • -git-work-tree is an optional parameter that you can specify if you want to be able to analyze uncommited changes too
  • -stubs-dir is the path to phpstorm-stubs dir (https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs)
  • -cache-dir is an optional directory for cache (greatly increases indexing speed)

Disable some reports

There are multiple ways to disable linter for certain files and lines:

  • Write /** @linter disable */ PHPDoc annotation in the start of a file and add this file to -allow-disable regex
  • Add files or directories into -exclude regex (e.g. -exclude='vendor/|tests/' or -exclude="vendor|tests" for Windows)
  • Enter @linter disable in a commit message to disable checks for this commit only (diff mode only).

There is also check-specific disabling mechanism. Every annotated warning can be disabled using -exclude-checks argument, which is a comma-separated list of checks to be disabled.

Given this PHP file (hello.php):

$x = array($v, 2);

By default, NoVerify would report 2 issues:

$ noverify -stubs-dir /path/to/stubs hello.php
MAYBE   arraySyntax: Use of old array syntax (use short form instead) at /home/quasilyte/CODE/php/hello.php:3
$x = array($v, 2);
ERROR   undefined: Undefined variable: v at /home/quasilyte/CODE/php/hello.php:3
$x = array($v, 2);

The arraySyntax and undefined are so-called "check names" which you can use to disable associated reports.

$ noverify -exclude-checks arraySyntax,undefined -stubs-dir /path/to/stubs hello.php
# No warnings

Language server mode (experimental)

If you want to launch noverify in language server mode, launch it in your IDE/editor extension like the following:

$ noverify -lang-server -cores=4 -cache-dir=/path/to/cache -stubs-dir=/path/to/phpstorm-stubs

There is no official extension for VS Code that supports this mode, so you will need to take, for example, https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=felixfbecker.php-intellisense VS Code extension and replace extension.js to the one provided in this repo.

For example, execute the following after VS Code installation:

$ vim extension.js # replace /path/to/cache and /path/to/phpstorm-stubs to proper values
$ cp extension.js ~/.vscode/extensions/felixfbecker.php-intellisense-*/out/extension.js

After you reload VS Code, you should get noverify started as a language server.

Language server features:

  • Partial auto-complete for variable names, constants, functions, object properties and methods
  • All reports from noverify in lint mode
  • Go to definition for constants, functions, classes, methods
  • Find usages for constants, functions, methods
  • Show variable types on hover