
AprioritWebCalendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service. AprioritWebCalendar allows users to create and edit events and reminders. Reminders can be enabled for events, with options available for type and time. Event locations can also be added, and other users can be invited to events.

Primary LanguageC#

AprioritWebCalendar - How to build

Hello, here is instruction how to run the application.

  1. Download all repository into your machine.
  2. First of all. There must be a file with secrets for JWT. It's ignored in this repository, so you have to create it individually:
  • path: src\AprioritWebCalendar\AprioritWebCalendar.Web\configs\jwtOptions.json
  • Content: here is json. Don't forget to configure "Audience" - url, where it runs.
    "JwtOptions": {
      "Issuer": "WebCalendar",
      "Audience": "http://localhost:65067/",
      "Key": "my_supersecret_key.Nobody can hack the system. Fuck you!!!",
      "Lifetime": 1440

-path: src\AprioritWebCalendar\AprioritWebCalendar.Web\configs\smtpOptions.json - credentials of email account

    "SmtpOptions": {
      "Server": "smtp.server.com",
      "Port": 465,
      "UseSsl": true,

      "Login": "",
      "Password": "",

      "FromTitle": "WEB Calendar Project"

  1. Client app CalendarModule is in folder "src\AprioritWebCalendar\ClientApps\CalendarModule".
  2. You have to build app or run it via ng serve using proxy-config.
  3. If you are running it using proxy-config, there are 2 files with them in that folder, open one of them and configure port, where back-end part runs.

P.S. I'm not sure that directory for build output is configured well, so make sure too...