Flex-DLD: Deep Low-rank Decomposition Model with Flexible Priors for Hyperspectral Image Denoising and Restoration

HSIs Denoising Experiments

  • Denoising Data Preparation
  1. Datasets for hyperspectral images denoising experiments include: KAIST, Washington DC Mall, CAVE, Indian Pines

You can download in: Google drive or Baidu drive (Code: emg2)

Put the downloaded data into the [Data] folder

Alternatively, you can generate noisy hyperspectral images according to the code
  1. Denosing your hyperspectral images
Put your data into the [Data] folder
The mat file should include [noisy_img] and [img] variables
  • Denoising Experiments
cd Denoise
python main_*.py
(We have uploaded KAIST Scene01 data. You can run main_1_KAIST.py directly.)
  • Check Our Denoising Results

The denoised hyperspectral images of KAIST, WDC, CAVE, and IP datasets are available here: Baidu drive (Code: 4g02)

HSIs Restoration Experiments

  • Restoration Data Preparation

Datasets for hyperspectral images restoration experiments include: KAIST

You can download in: Google drive or Baidu drive (Code: u4er)

Put the downloaded data into the [Data] folder
  • Restoration Experiments
cd Denoise/CASSI_Restoration/
python main.py
(We have uploaded KAIST Scene01 data. You can run main.py directly.)
  • Check Our Reconstructed Results

The reconstructed hyperspectral images of KAIST datasets are available here: Google drive or Baidu drive (Code: 87hh)

  • Code Description
main_*.py               : code for denoising
optimization.py         : code of ADMM iteration
func.py                 : code includes some useful functions
test_metric             : code for evaluation
model/model_loader.py   : code for loading deep low-rank networks
model/LRNet.py          : code for designing network architecture
model/common.py         : code includes some network blocks
model/basicblock.py     : code includes some network blocks
model/utils.py          : code includes functions for evaluation