
How to set up to train continuous action?

kunxianzheng opened this issue · 1 comments

I set the startup script as follows
th main.lua -seed 1 -server false -resume true -discrete false -gpu 0 -game_config quickrace_continuous_slowmulti_ushite-city.xml -env TORCS.TorcsContinuousConstDamagePos -threads 2 -model models.Discrete_action -hiddenSize 256 -height 84 -width 84 -batchSize 5 -momentum 0.99 -rmsEpsilon 0.1 -steps 20000000 -optimiser sharedRmsProp -eta 0.00007 -gradClip 0 -rewardClip 0 -valSteps 18750 -valFreq 250000 -tensorType torch.FloatTensor -entropyBeta 0.01 -progFreq 5000 -verbose false -foldername train_TORCS_slowmulti_ushite_city -group 0 "$@"

But the system is stuck, is the model set to models.Discrete_action? What should the correct setting look like?

The error is
[02: ERROR - 2019_07_23_17:03:58] - bad argument #3 to '?' (torch.*Tensor expected, got nil) stack traceback: [C]: at 0x7ffbf37fc560 [C]: in function '__newindex' ./async/NoAttentionAgent.lua:310: in function <./async/NoAttentionAgent.lua:288> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ./async/AgentMaster.lua:246: in function <./async/AgentMaster.lua:245> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ...software/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/threads/threads.lua:234: in function 'callback' ...n/software/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/threads/queue.lua:65: in function <...n/software/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/threads/queue.lua:41> [C]: in function 'pcall' ...n/software/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/threads/queue.lua:40: in function 'dojob' [string " local Queue = require 'threads.queue'..."]:15: in main chunk