We present a holistic framework to train deep neural networks in a way that is highly invulnerable to label noise. Our method sets the new state of the art on various types of label noise.

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  • Use a virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages env
source env/bin/activate
  • Install packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run Experiments

Train on CIFAR

Train the model with 20%, 40, and 80% uniform noise ratios on CIFAR100. You can go to higher noise ratio, e.g. 95%, with the following command.


for ratio in 0.2 0.4 0.8; do
  CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPU} python -m ieg.main --dataset=cifar100_uniform_${ratio}\
  --network_name=wrn28-10 --checkpoint_path=$SAVEPATH/ieg &
  GPU=$((GPU + 1))

Useful training setting options

  • CIFAR10 with uniform noise: --dataset=cifar10_uniform_${ratio}.

  • CIFAR10 with asymmetric noise: --dataset=cifar10_asymmetric_${ratio}.

  • ResNet29 architecture, set --network_name=resnet29.

  • Data augmentation. The default strong augmentation is AutoAugment. You can change to RandAugment by --aug_type=randaug. The performance should be on par. See discussion in the paper.

  • MultiGPU is supported by simply CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<id-1>,<id-2>,....

  • The two key hyperparameters for unsupervsied losses is controled by --ce_factor and --consistency_factor (see options.py).

  • --max_iteration controls the total epochs. 200000 means ~400 epochs given batch size 100. 200 epochs can obtain reported results. Training longer is better most time.

  • --probe_dataset_hold_ratio determines the size of clean probe data. 0.02 indicates 1000 clean labeled data (10 image/class) for CIFAR100. For CIFAR10 experiments, set --probe_dataset_hold_ratio=0.002 for the 10 image/class setting.

Comparison experiments

# L2R
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m ieg.main --dataset=cifar100_uniform_0.8 --method=l2r --checkpoint_path=${SAVEPATH}/l2r

# Supervised training with label noise
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m ieg.main --dataset=cifar100_uniform_0.8 --method=supervised --checkpoint_path=${SAVEPATH}/supervised

# IEG with cifar10 asymmetric noise
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m ieg.main --dataset=cifar10_asymmetric_0.4 --network_name=resnet29 --probe_dataset_hold_ratio=0.002 --checkpoint_path=${SAVEPATH}/ieg


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m ieg.main --dataset=cifar100_uniform_${ratio} --network_name=wrn28-10 --mode=evaluation --checkpoint_path=${SAVEPATH}/ieg

Train on Webvision (mini)

The following scripts will train on 8 GPUs and evaluate on ImageNet val.

Download dataset

mkdir -p data/tensorflow_datasets
cd data/tensorflow_datasets
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gresearch/ieg/webvisionmini.zip
unzip webvisionmini.zip

Sine we evalaute on ImageNet val, at the first time, follow the prompted guideline in the terminal to download imagenet ILSVRC2012_img_[train/val].par to the folder (./data/tensorflow_datasets/downloads/manual/imagenet2012) for tensorflow_datasets to prepare automatically.



CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python -m ieg.main --dataset=webvisionmini \
--network_name=resnet50 --checkpoint_path=$SAVEPATH/ieg_webvisionmini \
--ce_factor=4 --consistency_factor=8 --batch_size=8 --use_imagenet_as_eval=true \
--val_batch_size=50 --eval_freq=10000 --max_iteration=1000000


  title={Distilling Effective Supervision from Severe Label Noise},
  author={Zhang, Zizhao and Zhang, Han and Arik, Sercan O and Lee, Honglak and Pfister, Tomas},