
A random purpose bot for us

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A random purpose bot for us.


LINE bot with Firebase backend integrated with Google/OpenAI APIs.


  1. Setup Firebase Functions
    • If you want to setup a new bot by yourself, create a new firebase project for your own.
    • If you want to contribute to the existing bots, let @yushiomote know your Google account.
    • To short,
      1. Install node: e.g. brew install node
      2. Install firebase-tools: e.g. npm install -g firebase-tools
      3. Login to the firebase project: firebase login
  2. Setup LINE bot with webhook enabled
  3. Configure firebase using Firebase environment configuration:
$ firebase functions:config:set line.secret=<LINE bot secret>
$ firebase functions:config:set line.token=<LINE bot token>
$ firebase functions:config:set app.name=<Any bot name>
$ firebase functions:config:set app.theme=<Emoji used in bot messages>
$ firebase functions:config:set openai.apikey=<API Key for Open AI>
  1. Install dependencies
$ cd functions # In functions directory
$ npm install
  1. Build
$ cd functions # In functions directory
$ npm run build


Test bot account exists. Let @yushiomote know when you want to try.