
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


$ make setup

add GoogleService-Info.plist to MVPSample/Resources.

Technology Stack

  • Swift 4.1 / Xcode 9.3 beta
  • MVP Architecture
  • Package Manager
    • Bundler
    • CocoaPods 1.4.x
  • Libraries
    • Firebase
      • Auth
      • RealtimeDatabase
      • Messaging
    • R.swift
    • Google/Promises
    • SVProgressHUD
  • Test Libraries
    • Quick/Nimble
    • Cuckoo (generate mock)
  • Build Tools
    • Fastlane (Ruby DSL)
    • make
  • Tools
    • R.swift
    • SwiftLint
    • SwiftFormat
    • LicensePlist
  • CI
    • Bitrise


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.