
for bug reproduction

Primary LanguageRuby

Reproduce Procedure

  1. run rails s command and start server
  2. In your browser, request http://localhost:3000/ You'll probably see dogs and cats list.
  3. In DogsController, comment this out and save
'Do some work and change files'
  1. In CatsController, comment this out and save
'Do some work and change files'
  1. Reload the page, and you will sometimes see either dogs/cats is not listed, when the error is occurred.
  2. If you don't see the bug, comment those lines in and reload. And retry these process.


Below two bugs occur.

A copy of Api::One has been removed from the module tree but is still active!


Unable to autoload constant Api::One::Two::CatsController, expected /constant-demo/app/controllers/api/one/two/cats_controller.rb to define it
