Windows 95 Portfolio (Mostly dont! but still need to refactor the code and clean up)
Live Demo:
React Project:
- inspired by actual windows 95 and other idea from windows 95's portfolios
- everything built by me from scratch (No style component!)
Functionality (imitaing windows 95 functionality)
- Drag and Drop
- Shrink and Expand window
- Start Menu
- Resize window (using Resize: both on CSS (not supported by mobile))
- Hide and unhide
- One click to highlight
- Double Click to open (also works on mobile using usestate to capture the first touch and counting time within 3ms)
- Introduce Clippy assistant, who always gives you inspirations
- now Clippy has function to show up and give you advices, when you click on certain thing
- Added Shutdown Button
- Shutdown
- Restart
Mobile function NOT supported!
- Resize window (not necessary to add on mobile)
- React Draggable => drag and drop functionality
- Framer-motion => for some animation
- Webamp => Winamp music player
All the windows 95 icons and others can be found here special thanks to whoever own this web site: