(Pattern Recognition) Pytorch implementation of “HTR-VT: Handwritten Text Recognition with Vision Transformer”
- AI-Partner-Cool
- amalmehta
- ArkhymadheUniversity of Benin
- BFlameSwiftPeking University
- clayingMPI of Biochemistry
- clederOomnitza
- CrazyCrud@ub-regensburg
- daominhwysi
- duylebkHCMHCMC University of Technology
- efiLeipzig University
- emobile-dev
- garifullamukhammed
- generalMGSouth Korea, Seoul
- ha1ha2hahaha
- HaraldKorneliussenÅlesund, Norway
- harshgsxWoodgrove Tech
- helloPxl
- Lyttonkeepfoing
- phamvanlinh143Viettel AI
- qingzhenduyuPeking University
- qtungnui07Ha Noi, Viet Nam
- sandorkonyaZentralklinik Bad Berka
- ShihuaHuang95
- thekryz
- XiSHEN0220Intellindust
- xteriormask4eva
- xuanlongORZParis-Saclay University | ENSTA Paris
- yingyichen-cyyIRB Bellinzona
- YutingLi0606