
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Stateless Monitoring Application

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Build
  3. Application logic
    3.1. FSI Use cases
    3.2. IoT Use cases
    3.3. Traffic Use cases
  4. Execution
  5. Show Cases 5.1. Traffic


The purpose of the Stateless Monitoring Application tutorial is to provide a self-contained boilerplate code example for a Flink application. You can use this simple tutorial for learning the basics of developing a Flink streaming application.

The application demonstrates basic capabilities of the DataStream API and shares best practices for testing and logging.

By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to:

  1. Write and deploy a Flink application
  2. Test a Flink application
  3. Interact with the Flink logging framework


Before you start the tutorial, check out the repository and build the artifacts:

git clone https://github.com/zBrainiac/streaming-flink.git
cd streaming-flink
mvn clean package


Presentation of streaming applications based on credit card transactions and FX rate stream

FSI Use cases:

Use case 1 - "Count credit card transactions per shop"

Start small - counting transactions per shop (group by)

Flink App Use Case 1

class: FSIUC1KafkaCountTrxPerShop --> source code

DataStream <Tuple2<String, Integer>> aggStream = trxStream
    .flatMap(new trxJSONDeserializer())
    // group by shop_name and sum their occurrences
    .keyBy(0)  // shop_name

JSON input stream:


JSON output stream:


Use case 2 - "Aggregating FX amount per credit card issuer "

Flink App Use Case 2

class: FSIUC2KafkaSumccTypTrxFx --> source code

DataStream <Tuple2<String, Integer>> aggStream = trxStream
    .flatMap(new trxJSONDeserializer())
    // group by "cc_id" AND "fx" and sum their occurrences
    .keyBy(0, 1)  // shop_name

JSON input stream:


JSON output stream:


Use case 3 - "merge two Kafka event streams from credit card transactions and FX rates"

Merge two data steams - trx with the latest fx rate:
Flink App Use Case 3

JSON input stream:

Credit Card Trx: {"timestamp":1566829043004,"cc_id":"5123-5985-1943-6358","cc_type":"Maestro","shop_id":3,"shop_name":"SihlCity","fx":"USD","fx_account":"CHF","amount_orig":40.0}
FX: {"timestamp":1566829830600,"fx":"USD","fx_target":"CHF","fx_rate":1.03}

Merged result:


Use case 5 - "check on duplicated cc trx within in a window"

build fingerprint of the "cc transaction" stream, keep fingerprint in a window for {30 sec}.
filter out if the fingerprint is unique within the window - if the fingerprint occurs several times send alarm event

Flink App Use Case 5

JSON input stream:


Alarm in case of a duplicated cc trx


Use case 6 - "check on fraud"

Keep "cc_id" in a window for {30 sec} and count transaction >= 40.00
Filter out if the "cc_id" is unique within the window - if not send alarm event

Flink App Use Case 6

Flink Flow:
Flink App Use Case 6

JSON input stream:


Alarm in case of a duplicated cc trx


Use case 8 - "dispatch Credit Card transactions for approval"

Send credit card transactions above 40.00 to approval topic

Flink Flow:
Flink FSI Use Case 8

JSON input stream:


okay case: amount below 40 - auto approval

{"type":"okay","subtype":"auto approval - amount below 40","credit cart id":"5171-9364-9817-2054","credit cart issuer":"USD","original amount":47.17}

nok case: amount above 40 - approval required

{"type":"nok","subtype":"verification required - amount above 40","credit cart id":"5126-7561-2004-4916","credit cart issuer":"EUR","original amount":85.78}


overview of all IoT use cases: Flink App Use Case 1

Use Case enhance stream / Lookup CSV:

  • IoTCsvConsumerSQLLookupCSV
  • IoTCsvConsumerSQLLookupJSON

Flink App Use Case enhance stream /Lookup CSV

CSV input stream:

1598101297091, 1, 16bc7e63-95bc-424b-a5d5-69b5bee9644e, Test Message #1186

lookup CSV File --> lookup table:

sensorid, location
0, City Zürich,
1, City Amsterdam,
2, City Berlin,
3, City Cambera,

CSV Output stream:

1598101297091, 1, 16bc7e63-95bc-424b-a5d5-69b5bee9644e, Test Message #1186, City Amsterdam

JSON Output stream:

{"type":"ok","subtype":"message enrichment","sensor_ts":1598263121787,"uuid":"8ef8f0d9-af5e-45c2-8f5f-af7844423849","sensor_id":6,"message":"Test Message #2076","location":"City Florenz"}


Use case 5 - "join"

Flink App Use Case 6