
Analysis of football banning orders/crime/alcohol - England & Wales

Primary LanguageR


Analysis of football banning orders/crime/alcohol - England & Wales

Data sources

Do football banning orders associate with club supporters, regions, crime and alcohol addiction in the England and Wales? This analysis is focusing on the association of football banning with the others.

Data sources

The first dataset in this analysis is “Statistics on football banning orders”, published by Home Office. The second dataset is “Statistics on Alcohol, England”, published by Health and Social Care Information Centre. The third dataset is “Crime in England and Wales”, published by Home Office. (https://data.gov.uk)


Data pre-processing in this test includes 3 steps:

  1. Data imputation
  2. Correlation check
  3. Data transformation: Center and scale


Leaflet map, polygons, and popups info with embedded ggplot

#DEMO https://jony0912.shinyapps.io/Football_banning_orders/