Anyone can review their favourite video games and discover the latest game trends. Alt-F4 is currently a small aspect of, what we believe is, the potential this website could have on the community.

Primary LanguageHandlebarsMIT LicenseMIT


Link To ALT-F4: Click Here
Heroku Deployment: Heroku

Website Description

Alt-F4 is a website where you can review your favourite video games and discover the latest game trends. We wanted to create a website that brought the gaming community together in a fun way. We believe that encouraging the players to review games more is the key to improving the user experience and bettering games in the future. Alt-F4 is currently a small aspect of, what we believe is, the potential this website could have on the community.

User Story:

AS A user

I WANT a website that will allow me to

DISCOVER new games, BROWSE games of my choice, POST my reviews

AND CREATE an account to store my previous reviews

Expected Functionality:

WHEN I open the page
THEN I am presented with the homepage

WHEN I click on 'about us'
THEN I am presented with a page that provides you with information about the website and team

WHEN I click Dashboard
THEN I am redirected to the login page
UNLESS I am logged in
THEN I am presented with a dashboard that displays account information

WHEN I want to sign up or loggin, I click the button in the nav bar
THEN I am presented with a form to fill out
IF I signed up
THEN I will be presented with the login page
WHEN I login
THEN I am redirected to the dashboard

WHEN I click the home button in the nav bar
THEN I am redirected to the homepage

WHEN I click on any game
THEN I am presented with the game page

WHEN I search a game in the search bar
THEN I am presented with a page that lists my search results
WHEN I click on any of those games
THEN I am presented with the game page

WHEN I want to post a review on a game
I AM ABLE TO search the game, click the game, scroll to review and post my review to the page

Technologies, Components, Resources and Applications Used:

We used a range of technologies to help us achieve our website. As we wanted to the user to be able to browse games, using a 3rd party API was necassary. We also needed to build our own db that would store reviews and accounts from users.


CSS & UI Libraries



The Process

We came up with this design idea as we wanted something to help us visualise our concept. This was a great starting point for us to understand what functionality we were going to need, technologies we were going to use etc.

The Original design Idea:


End Product:

Alot of the design began to change as we progressed through building our website and generously lowered our scope and expectations for the amount we could achieve in a shorter period. Our UI ended being alot cleaner and nicer than we were expecting and I am really proud of how our website came out, despite all the changes and alterations.

As a Collective we had struggled with the backend before setting out into this project, and we had to spend alot of our time learning on the job. We have come out of this understanding so much more about the backend, while also learning that we are good at learning and applying information when problems arise.



Home Page


About Us


Creating an Account & Logging In


Troubleshooting, Bugs & Development Difficulties

Our website has most of the functionality we wanted for this project to be first released. However, there are a few small things missing.

  • We have errors display, however we havn't set unique error messages (Example: Signing up with an already used username gives an error but not a unique error)

  • Reviews are unable to save to your dashboard

Future Development

From a profile page that you can add friends on, to having ratings, upvote/downvote and reviews increase your xp to gain badges. This iterative process comes so natural with this concept, to layer and build more and more advanced features is what really what made this project so exciting. There is alot more to come from ALT-F4 and we truly put our confidence in our ability to benefit the gaming community.

Need to Contact Us?

If you have any questions or noticed anything wrong with this application (that isn't listed above), feel free to contact us.



Copyright © [2022] [Yasmin A | Ryan O'Connor | Yutthana]