Horiseon Refactoring

URL of the deployed application:


URL of the Github repository:


Brief description:

I’ve refactored and improved accessibility of existing code with the aim to enhance the initial HTML layout without changing the overall outcome of the webpage.

Acceptance Criteria:

WHEN I view the source code. 
- THEN I find semantic HTML elements. ✅
WHEN I view the structure of the HTML elements. 
- THEN I find that the elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning. ✅
WHEN I view the icon and image elements.
- THEN I find accessible alt attributes. ✅
WHEN I view the heading attributes.
 - THEN they fall in sequential order. ✅
WHEN I view the title element.
- THEN I find a concise, descriptive title. ✅

Resubmition Criteria:

- Nav bar first link is now in working order. ✅
- CSS styling properties duplication deleted [ Line 91 - 104]. ✅
- GitHub repo renamed. ✅
- Assets folder added for clearner side bar. ✅
- Added Gitignore file to stop DS_Store from uploading data. ✅
- Screen shots added to read me. ✅

Nav bar first link fixed:


All images are now displaying in the correct postion.

Screenshot 2022-03-13 at 04 09 09

Background image is in place.

Screenshot 2022-03-13 at 04 08 59