
A Stock Market Tracker for selected US Companies. Displays current price and news feed page for most popular and recent news.

Primary LanguageHTML

-- Market Watch --

GitHub Repository Link: https://github.com/arjunkhakh/Market-Tracker

Online Application Deployment Link:: https://arjunkhakh.github.io/Market-Watch/

Landing Page:


News Page:


About Us Page:

Screenshot 2022-02-11 at 04 08 58

Description - For our project, we had made a Stock Market Tracker on US Companies. It shows the user a small profile of their ticker symbol and current price. There is also a news feed page which shows us popular business news but can be altered if you input the company you would like to read about. Motivation for development? - We decided we wanted to build something quite challenging for the project and building an application regarding the stock markets would be really fun and exciting to build. User story - As a Market Shareholder, I want to see a company's Current Price and Change Live every time the user refresh the page.