
Changes made:

- video link to delopment video is now public.
- HTML file is created afterdata has been inputed.

The Aim is to build a Node.js command-line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. Testing is key to making code maintainable, so you’ll also write a unit test for every part of your code and ensure that it passes each test.

Screen Recording:

Github repo Link:

For users to able to delpoy this app, they will need to install;

npm init, npm i, npm install inquirer, npm i --save-dev jest.

Screen shot of end result:

Screenshot 2022-03-05 at 22 20 25

All tests passed and user is able to interact and enter unique data inot each feild within the terminal.

Screenshot 2022-03-05 at 22 30 16

Screen shot of Index.html created by the terminal:

Screenshot 2022-03-05 at 22 38 48

Screen shot of Style.CSS to style the HTML page:

Screenshot 2022-03-05 at 22 39 14