
Upgrade version of a CS homework (snake game) using neural network

Primary LanguageJava


Genetic algorithm implemented in Java

  • All the lib and classpath added so all you need is Eclipse
  • Driver classes:

1. AI_Tester.java (for showcase)

public static void main(String[] args) {
    //                                                             Path to nnet file here
    snake.setNnet(NeuralNetwork.createFromFile(SnakeTrainer.NNPATH + "Gen250/Parent1.nnet"));

2. Population.java (for training)

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new Population().simulate();


  1. This is a very early project (abandoned as well) and the there's no comments. It was mainly a fun project while I was getting bored in class and I learned all the concepts and algorithms from some Youtube videos.
  2. Population.java uses Threadpool which can take up A LOT of CPU usage,
    much lag might be expected while running this
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newWorkStealingPool();
  1. Tweaking constants (you are very welcomed to tweak these numbers to compare different results)
  public static final double MUTATION_RATE = 0.1;   // Chance for each gene to mutate
  public static final double MUTATION_RANGE = 0.2;  // Amplitude/range of a gene can mutate
  public static final int DEFAULT_GENERATIONS = 10000;  // Keep the thing running over night for now lol
  public static final int DEFAULT_SELECT = 6;       // How many to choose during each natural selection process
  public static final int DEFAULT_POPULATION = 50;  // Population size
  public static final int DEFAULT_NEURONS = 25;     // Number of neurons in each hidden layers (2 hidden layers)
  public static final int DEFAULT_SAVE = 50;        // Save the neural network file every [this] number of generation