
KanColleViewer! Translations API Server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

KanColleViewer! Translations API Server

KCV API Server is a companion web application for KanColleViewer! builds based on Yuubari's fork. It serves version information and translations for the Updater class (KanColleWrapper\Updater.cs). The best way to serve it is using Apache's mod_wsgi or a similar WSGI provider. It was made using the awesome Pyramid web framework.

Getting Started

You will need to set up a virtual environment (venv) for this app. Please refer to venv documentation for detailed instructions. Clone this app to a subdirectory in the root of the virtual environment.

Make sure to properly configure SQLAlchemy database URLs in the .ini files.


cd <directory containing this file>
$VENV/bin/pip install -e .
$VENV/bin/initialize_KCV_db development.ini
$VENV/bin/pserve development.ini

This will install all required dependencies.

Production (Apache example):

The app must be properly installed (pip install).

Modify kcvapi.wsgi to include the full path to your production.ini file and use this in Apache's VirtualHost block, provided you have mod_wsgi installed (important: the two KCVAPI_ defines MUST have unique names across the entire scope of httpd.conf and its included files):

Define KCVAPI_VIRTUALENV_PATH /path/to/virtualenv-with-kcv-api-server-root

WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGIScriptAlias / ${KCVAPI_VIRTUALENV_PATH}/KCV/kcvapi.wsgi
WSGIDaemonProcess ${KCVAPI_WSGI_GROUP_NAME} processes=X threads=Y display-name=%{GROUP} python-path=${KCVAPI_VIRTUALENV_PATH}/lib/python3.6/site-packages
WSGIImportScript ${KCVAPI_VIRTUALENV_PATH}/KCV/kcvapi.wsgi process-group=${KCVAPI_WSGI_GROUP_NAME} application-group=%{GLOBAL}

Sample SQL Dump

There is an SQL dump provided, made using PostgreSQL 9.6.x and containing translations for English.

Configuring KanColleViewer!

Change the KcvApiUrl variable (in KanColleViewer's project properties, settings section) to your API endpoint, ending with /version/.