- 0
onDrop does not return all the files dropped
#369 opened by sharmavipul92 - 5
Initial files is doubling previews in DropzoneDialog
#363 opened by AHD-02 - 1
- 1
Why you remove @material-ui, if you continue using?
#366 opened by buster95 - 0
- 10
Syle conflicts with @mui components
#352 opened by AndrGutierrez - 3
- 1
react 18 support
#365 opened by krajcikondra - 1
remove icon
#309 opened by callmejm - 3
Support for MUI 5
#326 opened by iTzMeRafa - 1
Buttons are not rendered
#359 opened by Ludea - 0
showing strips in uploading progress
#358 opened by ahmedyounes - 0
There is no first element of the array, there must be a syntax error here?
#357 opened by killmeagain - 1
How can I insert files to the component?
#339 opened by AngeloCG97 - 14
Support for Material-UI version 5
#305 opened by MattHalloran - 2
- 6
Does material-ui-dropzone support mui@5?
#341 opened by prakash2091 - 1
Update react-dropzone dependancy to v12
#337 opened by jonocairns - 3
- 1
- 1
- 2
filesLimit of 1 ignored for DropzoneAreaBase
#310 opened by KLagdani - 1
Stripe color theme override, is it possible?
#331 opened by richardchunyc - 0
How can I insert files to the component?
#340 opened by AngeloCG97 - 0
Add a prop that disables loading files in memory
#333 opened by HristoKolev - 0
- 1
initialFiles do not displayed
#292 opened by Rafsonic - 2
Question: Custom Snackbar Notifications.
#315 opened by RobertJSmith - 0
disableRejectionFeedback ignored
#323 opened by jarbot - 1
can't see delete button
#308 opened by dogeow - 1
It doesn't work with styled components
#317 opened by pedrokohler - 2
Uploading a File causes error "node is null"
#302 opened by ThomasAunvik - 0
How to customise Submit / Cancel buttons?
#320 opened by gfox1984 - 0
[Question] How to store file as binary/BLOB?
#319 opened by feiraelectronica - 0
How to disable folder Drag and Drop
#316 opened by KrVijay89 - 0
initialFiles doesn't work in dialog
#313 opened by santilp95 - 1
I can't able to upload files using axios.
#297 opened by saileshkush95 - 0
- 0
Preview Enhancement
#307 opened by armor009 - 1
- 0
Spacing error when using DropzoneArea
#303 opened by JokerGrizzly - 1
- 1
acceptedFiles not working for font/ttf
#294 opened by NitinMagdum - 0
- 0
Reset dropzone button
#288 opened by J4CKVVH173 - 0
- 0
- 0
showPreviewsInDropzone seems not working
#284 opened by hiimnhan - 0
- 0
Add Single/Multiple file restriction
#281 opened by WSorban