- 5
- 2
Support Dark theme
#202 opened - 2
- 7
Ability to hook into Snackbar messaging
#200 opened - 9
Migrate to Functional components and hooks
#197 opened - 0
filesLimit of 1 not working
#196 opened - 8
Props are not passed to react-dropzone
#195 opened - 2
- 0
set initialFiles with File object array
#192 opened - 0
- 2
3.2.0 not available on NPM
#188 opened - 0
Get Latest Update Using NPM
#185 opened - 8
- 1
Mui Theme support question (or bug)
#183 opened - 1
v3.1.0 not available on npm
#182 opened - 1
- 2
Failed prop type: Invalid prop `showAlerts` of value `true` supplied to `DropzoneAreaBase`
#180 opened - 0
Invalid prop `showAlerts` of value `true`
#179 opened - 0
- 9
- 2
Cannot apply style to chip
#176 opened - 1
previewGridClasses for image doesn't work
#174 opened - 10
Example of how to use the theme overrides
#172 opened - 1
- 23
Improve Preview section
#166 opened - 3
- 1
Update documentation Theming
#164 opened - 1
How to change the box height?
#162 opened - 0
- 1
Add an option to use item-component
#160 opened - 0
- 3
onChange fired on mount and unmount
#153 opened - 2
The preview Icon could be specific to the type of file (at the moment its just a paperclip)
#149 opened - 1
File upload Limit
#147 opened - 1
Override :focus border styling
#146 opened - 27
outline css
#145 opened - 6
Clear file list when submitting not working
#141 opened - 3
Release changelog
#136 opened - 8
- 3
Development environment setup
#131 opened - 8
- 1
No props for customizing alert messages
#127 opened - 1
Support overrides style with MUI Theme
#125 opened - 3
SnackbarAlert not visible on iOS
#123 opened - 0
Upload Directory/folder
#122 opened - 0
Upload CSV File
#114 opened - 1
- 6
Ability to paste image or file
#108 opened - 3
- 2