20CYS383 Java Programming Lab

20CYS383 - Java Programming Lab - 4th Sem - B.E. CSE (CYS) - ASE, CBE

Course Instructor: Ramaguru R, Assistant Professor, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security.

Course Outcome

CO# CO Description
CO1 Execute Java programs using object-oriented class structures with parameters, constructors, and utility and calculations methods, including inheritance, test classes and exception handling.
CO2 Execute Java programs manipulating Strings and text documents.
CO3 Execute Java programs that include GUIs and event driven programming.

Course Plan

Unit # Lecture No. Topic No. of Hours
1 Introduction to Java
1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
1 Interfaces: Define, Implement, Typing, Extending/Evolving Interface, Annotations
1 Inheritance, overriding and hiding methods: static, interface and instance methods
1 Polymorphism, Hiding Fields, Object Class, Final Class and Methods
1 Abstract class and methods, Interfaces and Packages
2 Wrapper classes
2 String, and StringBuilder classes
2 Number, Math, Random, Array methods, Date-Time.
2 Java files and I/O, Exceptions, Inner classes.
2 Collection framework- Comparator and Comparable, Vector and Array list, Iterator and Iterable
2 Collection Interfaces: Collection, Set, List, Queue, Dequeue, Map, Object ordering, Sorted Set, Sorted Map, Generics
2 Serialization, Networking
3 Concurrency Creating Threads, Thread states, Runnable threads
3 Coordinating Threads, Interrupting Threads
3 Multi-threading, Runnable Interface
3 UI integration of Java concepts with Swing
3 Frame Layouts, Widgets, displaying image and graphics
3 Applet basics

Evaluation Criteria

Components Marks
[Internal] Lab Evaluation/Contests (6 Nos) 30
[Internal] Mini-Project + GitHub/Record Maintenance 10 + 10
[Internal] Periodical I 15
[Internal] Periodical II 15
[External] End-Semester Exam 20

Dates and Deadlines

Deadline for Dates
Intimation - Pair Programmer 10 - Feb - 2023
Pair Programmer Selection 11 - Feb - 2023
13 - Feb - 2023
Pair Programmer Finalization 18 - Feb - 2023
Project Topic Finalization 25 - Feb - 2023
Contest - 1 02 - Mar - 2023
Contest - 2 21 - Mar - 2023
Periodicals I TBD
Contest - 3 12 - Apr - 2023
Mini-Project Review 1 15 - Apr - 2023
Contest - 4 29 - Apr - 2023
Periodicals II TBD
Contest - 5 10 - May - 2023
Mini-Project Review 2 15 - May - 2023
Contest - 6 25 - May - 2023
Contest - 7 01 - Jun - 2023
Contest - 8 15 - Jun - 2023
Mini-Project Review Final 20 - Jun - 2023
End Semester TBD

Click Contest LeaderBoard to view.

Text and Reference Books

  • Text: Deitel PJ. Java how to program. Eleventh Edition, Pearson; 2018.
  • Text: Naughton P. and Schildt H. Java 2: The complete reference. Eighth Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill; 2011.
  • Reference : Campione and Walrath, The Java Tutorial, Addison Wesely; 1996.
  • Reference : Barry Burd, Beginning Programming with Java for Dummies, 5th Edition; 2017