This boilerplate project created as a starter for one of the projects I work with. It has no purpose to be the most versatile, the simplest or themost modern one. This is just a set of modules, helpers and approaches which work good for me here and now and which I can rely on.
Okay, here the main facts about the project:
Create React App. I love to tinker with bundlers (not really), but CRA provides a good starting point.
- react-app-rewired included for overriding CRA configuration without ejecting.
TypeScript. I highly recommend to strictly type all the project code and don't use explicit
unless absolutely necessary. In test files (and only in test files)any
is acceptable. -
Redux with middleware and other tools for convenient app state handling:
- typesafe-actions is used to automate actions and reducers creation, make them type safe, and reduce code verbosity.
utility added to make simple one-line reducers.- redux-observable middleware is used to work with asyncronous logic using rx reactive approach.
- reselect and re-reselect are used for caching selectors.
- redux-devtools-extension middleware
API endpoint abstraction based on axios
endpoints factorymockApi
test helpers
API requests handling
factory of redux-observable epics for API requests. Factory takestypesafe-actions
async action creator and endpoint. Those epics perform API request and dispatch according to it's lifecycle:require
reducer andselectQueryStatus
helper to create unique identifier for each API request
- Naming convention for styled components is taken from this article.
- babel-plugin-styled-components added to config using react-app-rewired for readable styled component class names and names in React DevTools.
- GlobalStyle component for CSS reset.
- App wrapped into Material UI
property to make it possible to override Material UI styles with styled components.
- App wrapped into Material UI
Prettier with few basic settings and ESlint integration.
- Jest configuration to collect coverage with 90% threshold
- Enzyme for components integration testing
- Few utils for mocking and writing tests with usage examples
configuration folder:- Few settings for code autoformat on save.
- Recommended extensions for comfortable work with the project (install them!)
- Launch script for debuggin unit tests
In the code you can find the simplest examples for pretty much everything from this list.
- ESlint config and tsconfig customizations, now they are pretty much default
- Abstractions for server state handling
- Immer
- Data normalization (probably using Normalizr)
- No readable styled components names in jest