
Contains some basic practice codes on computer languages

Primary LanguageC


  • Logic in programming is a fundamental key to be a good developer.An Program is nothing more than an ordered and finite set of operations that we carry out for the sole purpose of finding a solution to a problem. So try to practice simple problems to get a better logic.

  • Teach yourself by developing apps/projects anything which you love to code, think of some idea just work on it days and night and during building a project or product , you will fall in most of those problems/logic building and you will learn eventually, though this is not the best way but atleast keep you interested in coding for long term.

  • A very good point is to learn programming paradigms. Probably one of the most programming paradigm is the The Object-Oriented Paradigm (OOP).

  • Programming is about solving problems, a good tecnique is to split the big problem in small ones to focus on each problem in a better way.

  • Most important thing is practice. You cannot swim just by reading or listening unless you get into pool. Same applies even here.

  • In this repo i have listed several basic code that will helps to improve the logic in programming.

All the best and keep programming.