
MICCAI2023: Ultrasound Image Reconstruction with Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ultrasound Image Reconstruction with Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models

The supplement materials for this repo is on GoogleDrive, including 2 folders MATLAB and exp. It is neccessary to download them for reproducing the results.

After downloading the supplement materials, the folder's structure is supposed to be:

├── PICMUS  # (download from drive) contains some tools required for running other scripts 
│   ├── ... 
├── Results # work in this directory for pre(post)-processing or showing the results in paper
│   ├── 01_simulation  
│   ├── 02_spicmus
│   ├── ...  # some functions required for running other scripts 
├── SVD  # (download from drive) contains the SVD results of model matrices 
│   ├── 01_simulation  
│   ├── 02_spicmus
<exp>  # (download from drive)
├── logs 
│   ├── imagenet  # a folder named by the argument `--doc` given to main.py
│   │   ├──model000000.pt  # checkpoint (2.2GB)  before fine-tuning
│   │   ├──model006000.pt  # checkpoint (2.2GB)  after fine-tuning
├── image_samples 
│   ├── us # contains the restored data
├── ... 
├── ... 
├── ... 
├── ... 

For simply displaying the figures and the table values in the paper

Only MATLAB > PICMUS is required to be downloaded from drive, and then you can simply run the scripts

  • MATLAB > Results > 01_simulation > ResultShower_simulation_images.m for Fig.2 (a-b)
  • MATLAB > Results > 01_simulation > ResultShower_simulation_metrics_6figs.m for Fig.2 (c)
  • MATLAB > Results > 02_picmus > ResultShower_picmus_images.m for Fig.3
  • MATLAB > Results > 02_picmus > ResultShower_picmus_metrics.m for Tab.1

Inputs of DDRM

The inputs used in the paper are saved in the folders MATLAB/Results/.../yd. These inputs were calculated by using the scripts:

  • MATLAB > Results > 01_simulation > compute_Hty_CHty.m (for synthetic datasets with both DRUS and WDRUS models)
  • MATLAB > Results > 02_picmus > BH > compute_By.m (for picmus datasets with DRUS model)
  • MATLAB > Results > 02_picmus > CBH > compute_CBy.m (for picmus datasets with WDRUS model)

Sampling from the model

The general command to do the restoration is as follows:

python main.py --ni --config {CONFIG.yml} --doc {MODELFOLDER} --timesteps {STEPS} --matlab_path {MATLABPATH} 

where the following are options

  • CONFIG is the name of the config file (see configs/), including hyperparameters such as batch size and network architectures.
  • MODELFOLDER is the name of the folder saving the diffusion model checkpoints
  • STEPS controls how many timesteps (in [1,1000]) used in the process. (e.g. 50)
  • MATLABPATH is the path of the folder <MATLAB>.

For example

python main.py --ni --config imagenet_256.yml --doc imagenet --timesteps 50 --matlab_path /home/user/Documents/MATLAB/ 

References and Acknowledgements

    title={Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models},
    author={Bahjat Kawar and Michael Elad and Stefano Ermon and Jiaming Song},
    booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},

This implementation is based on / inspired by: