To run the deploy target against the SQO-OSS maven repository, we use the webdav maven transport wagon over ssl. However, since the certificate we use is self signed, the JSSL library underlying the HTTP library that the webdav component uses, needs to be configured with a trust store. In short, this involves 4 steps: 1. Get the required certificates Maven repository certificate: You can find the certificate under misc/maven.crt. You can also get a fresh copy in case the certificate changes directly from the web server. 2. Create the truststore keytool -v -alias mavensrv -import -file misc/maven.crt -keystore maven.jks 3. Configure maven to use it by default export MAVEN_OPTS="" Replace XXXXX with the password you used to create the truststore above. 4. Tell maven about your login credentials to the webdav server To do so, you need to edit the ~/.m2/settings.xml file and add the server. The file should look like this after editing it <settings> <servers> <server> <id>ac-main</id> <username>YOUR-SQOOSS-USERNAME</username> <password>YOUR-SQOOSS-PASSWORD</password> </server> </servers> </settings> For more information, check the following link: