
Primary LanguageScala


Implementation of support MLLP protocol via Akka-Streams.

Technical stack

  • Scala 2.12.7
  • Akka-HTTP 10.1.8
  • Akka-Streams 2.5.22
  • Slick 3.2.0
  • Postgres (tested on 11.2)


Before starting application server launch postresql service and create mllp database:

$ psql postgres -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mllp;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE mllp TO postgres;

How to run

There is built-in sbt launcher, added to project files. You may also need to change rights for launcher:

$ chmod u+x ./sbt
$ chmod u+x ./sbt-dist/bin/sbt

After starting application server there is starting message exchanging process: MllpSender start sending messages to MllpReceiver via MLLP protocol. Go to root directory of project and then:

  • For starting application server: ./sbt "run"
  • For running tests: ./sbt "test"
  • While application is running, you can also send your MLLP-formatted message in next template: {MESSAGE_TEXT}|{SYSTEM_NAME} Message should be wrapped into MLLP-specified block bytes.

API description

Date pattern: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
Message data model example:

"content": "Message 1",
"creationDate": "09.05.2019 01:01:01",
"id": 1,
"systemName": "Laboratory"

MessageDistribution data model example:

  "startDate": "01.01.2019 00:00:00",
  "endDate": "01.01.2020 00:00:00",
  "messages": [{
    "content": "Message 1",
    "creationDate": "09.05.2019 01:01:01",
    "id": 1,
    "systemName": "Laboratory"


  • Response status codes:
200 - Success
204 - Success, but content not found
400 - Bad request
500 - Internal server error
  • Get list of N latest messages by specified date:
GET /api/v1/messages
Required query params: "amount", "date"
Return: array of "Message"
  • Get message by id:
GET /api/v1/messages/:id
Return: "Message" or empty response
  • Get distribution of messages by years by system:
GET /api/v1/messages/system/:systemName
Required query param: "distributedBy" with value "year"
Return: array of "MessageDistribution"
  • Get distribution of messages by week by system for last four weeks for specified date:
GET /api/v1/messages/system/:systemName
Required query params: "date", "distributedBy" with value "week"
Return: array of "MessageDistribution"