#YMBF Upates

Installed: 17 Jan 2021

Personalized: 17 Jan 2021

Summary: Added Instagram, Tableau and Medium as options in navigation. Created a button for a portfolio link to my website. Personalized the look and feel of the files

Things Changed:

  • address is : https://yvonnebeirnefitzgerald.github.io/

  • Update to : https://theYvonne.io


    • Updated to my picture (Yvonne.png in images) note file is 400x 400

    • Changed the background photo used original naming bk-1 original background was 3840 x 2160 updated current size is 1920 x 1280

    • Changed tag line and link to blog which can be found in _includes/header.html

    • Changed the overlay of the image go to file _sass/uno.scss updaate lines 1228 - 1230 orginal: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.6) First Release: rgba(144, 164, 174, 0.6); Current rgba(226, 247, 255, 0.6)

    • Added instagram as an optioon. Need to make two changes one in _includes/header.html at line 88 copied section starting at line 21. The second add a line to the _config.yml file for instagram user name

    • Add projects to /_data/projects.yml

    • Added link to my website's portfolio page

Screen Shots

Alt text

Alt text

Original Info

Jekyll-Uno with Projects as Timeline

A Jekyll Theme, based on the Uno-Theme with a list of projects as Timeline.

How does is look

Demo Screenshot jekyll-theme-desktop jekyll-theme-mobil


  1. Download or clone repo git clone https://github.com/tzuehlke/jekyll-uno-timeline.git
  2. Enter the folder: cd jekyll-uno-timeline/
  3. Build it: jekyll build
  4. Start Jekyll server: jekyll serve
  5. Configure: _config.yml
    • at least set font_awesome or download and add the font in head.html

Access via: http://localhost:4000/


  • based on the Uno-Theme, but:
    • removed everything with posts
    • content-wrapper can be shown or hidden with button
    • changed all icons to Font-Awesome
    • updated google-analytics snipped
    • added Meetup-Link
    • removed RSS
    • removed Disqus
    • using a Timeline-Design instead of posts, therefore no pagination anymore
  • using Timeline (CSS, HTML ) from { Personal } Jekyll Theme for a list of projects, but:
    • still with 3 layouts for different screen-width, but without images on small screens
    • timeline information source is now _data/projects.yaml
    • always using the timeline-inverted-class, for text on the right side of the images
  • using github_api.js from Jalpc., but:
    • changed the GitHub-URL for using with persons and organisations
    • added watchers number