
News Highlight this project where the user will be views differences news:for more information you may visit this link of Heroku :https://newshighlightclau.herokuapp.com

Primary LanguagePython

project name


Author: Claudine Akimanizanye akimanizanye.claudine@gmail.com

Date: Tue Feb 19 14:20:53 2019 +0200

#Descrption of the project News highlight is project that will contain the the differences news and the users will be able to views differences types of the news that will be accouring in my website it will date that news has published and also it will also has the name of that news. #Instrcuction On the homepage user will see form that will have option of reseaching the name of the news and some description of the news and also some there will be a buttom to cleck for the more detals about the new after clicking there users will the differences news according to the type of news.user can be able to views and make some views on the news. #Test Driven Development -TDD inter the name of news submit Read the name of the News views the news you can see the Image there articles the date has been wrotten that news.


Behavior View Articles on Everything

#Output View Business sources View Entertainment sources View Sports sources View Top Headlines Articles View Articles on Everything


  • Python 3.6

Set-up and Installation

Prerequisites python3.6 Good internet connection For windows users: GitBash For linux/ubuntu users : Git Setting up Flask Creating a Virtual Environment. Geting the News API ** To get our NEWS data through The News Database API, head on to https://newsapi.org/ and sign up for an account. ** Creating an API key ** First go to your accounts settings pageAccount settings ** Then click on the API menu on the leftApi Menu ** Click on create an API Key to generate a new API keyGenerate api key

Known bugs

No known errors if found drop a message on my profile

Technologies used

  • Python 3.6
  • HTML and CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Flask


Emails:akimanizanyeclaudine@gmail.com Phone:098766544 Emails:akimanizanyeclaudine@akilahinstitute.org Repositority :https://github.com/AKIMANIZANYE/-News-Highlight.git

License and Copyright

.Permision of reading code .You are not allowed to edit any file .permission of testing website .You are not allowed to move anyfile or folder .Permision of Riview .You are not allowed to host it again this website. AKIMANIZANYE @2019# News