
Neighborhood is a web application that will allow users to post their hoods,add businesses that loads in their hoods.

Primary LanguagePython


By Yvonne,

Published date 02/11/2019


Neighborhood is a web application that will allow users to post their hoods,add businesses that loads in their hoods.They will be also to share posts and they also have an option to leave the hoode if they want it. Open the app and enjoy using it!

This link will take to my live site on Git Hub.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • open my GitHub
  • find my repo Neighborhood
  • $ cd Neighborhood
  • $ python3.6 -m venv virtual (install virtual environment)
  • $ source virtual/bin/activate or virtual/scripts/activate
  • $ python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt (install all dependencies)
  • $ python manage.py runserver to run the app

Technologies used

  • Python ( ver 3.6 )
  • Django framework
  • PostgeSQL

Copyright (C) 2019 ~ Yvonne