
Game Design : White Witch - Ziiky

COMP2006 - C++ Coursework
Name Student Number Username
Ziqi Yang (Daniel) 16521586 zy21586

About The Game:

This game called "Ziiky", which is an apprentice witch who can control thunder and lightning. The game follows the basic rules of classic cave exploration and survival game with some additional rules implemented. The aim of the game is that the witch has to activate all thunder runes and survival while defending incoming enemies, named Gallo. With each rune activated, it will release massive power to help Ziiky in the journey to find other runes.


  1. All sprites and animations of the game are self-designed by Coding and Adobe Photoshop.
  2. All background images are self-designed by Adobe Photoshop.

1. Build

If you are running on Visual Studio 2019 (e.g. lab pcs), that is the default, so just run the CourseworkBase2021_vs2019.sln file which is in this directory.

This is set up to use Visual Studio 2019. You can probably migrate it to later versions if you wish.

When you build, the output executables will be placed in the Debug and Release directories in this folder.
When you run the program from within visual studio, it will look for things like the fonts and images in the src directory.
You MUST have the SDL dll files in your debug and release directories if you want to be able to run it. e.g. copy everything from the SDL/SDL2_dlls_x86 directory into your debug and release directories and it will find the SDL dlls that it needs to run.

2. Framework & Engine

1. GameObject & Inheritable
Class / Design Pattern Description
GameObject All game objects inherit from DisplayableObject class and will be contained and handled in the DisplayableObjectContainer.
Each game object is enhanced with a sprite and ImageMappingGeneralist(see below), which can display image with rotation, translation and color Manipulation.
Each GameObject uses center as coordinate and saved as Vec2(see below) by default.
Inheritable Interfaces As game object is still too general for all kinds of game items. We have more detailed interface/abstract class that are inheritable for GameObject.
BaseButton Specifying a game object that is an animated (see Animator&Animation class) button which can handle user mouse click/hover events.
Damageable Specifying a game object that can be damaged by attacks/spells by takeHit(int damage).
LivingEntity Subclass of Damageable, specifying a game object that has a life and can be killed (such as enemies, player).
Collidable Used together with CollisionSystem, specifying a game object can collide actively to others.
2. Engine, Finite State Machine & Scene System
Class / Design Pattern Description
Engine Inherited from BaseEngine, the engine's job is to initialize state machine, carry out update, fixed updates, detecting input and rendering pipeline and transfer the job to state machine to handle.
Finite State Machine The state machine receives jobs from engine and relays the job further to the current scenes(6 scenes:
GAME,// gaming, pause, win(intermediate)
RESULT, // win
RECORD). It is state machine's job to determine and switch between scenes.
BaseScene The basic structure of each scene to handle different event such as onCreation, onDestroy, onActivate, onDeactivate..
GameScene Where the player plays the game. Controls all the elements in the game: Map generator, enemy spawner, camera, environment render, UIs...
Has three inner state as Pause, Game over and Win.
LoadingScene A Fake Loading Scene because we are doing mono-threading, the loading cannot really load under the scene, this scene is only for hiding the loading time and giving players a professional feeling.
MenuScene An animated Menu Scene with a interactable sand simulation system(see below)
IntroScene A zoomable and draggable scene with user manual.
Result and Record Two similar scene shows the player the record made and the best.
3. Camera
Class / Design Pattern Description
GameCamera Camera class contains and handles FilterPoints like scaling and translation added on drawingSurface. GameCamera can be bind onto a specific game object (player in this game) and follow the game object while it moves.
1. GameCamera will add a strict limit when player approach the boundary of the map, instead of place the player as center, it will be restricted by the map boundary
2. GameCamera can handle simple camera effect like shaking.
ViewCamera ViewCamera is used in introScene to zoom and shrink the screen.
4. Animation System
Class / Design Pattern Description
Animator When a gameObject needs to display itself as aniamtion (with images), it is the animator's job to realize the current state of the game object, switch and display the animation accordingly. Each animator class is generated and initialized from template class code based on the state it will handle. E.g. player can have a player state with idle, running left, right and etc. Each animator has several animations according to different states.
Animation Each animation has several images/sprites as a set of frames and controls the fps of the animation.
5. Other System
Class / Design Pattern Description
TileManager A enhanced tile manager with empty and boundary check: SubClasses :CaveGenerator,
See Feature Section below.
RecordManager Handles read/wirte to the record file and return result string list accordingly.
CollisionSystem Enhanced CollisionDetection class with checkObstacleBy(four)Square points
ImageMappingGeneralist Can handle image translation, offseting, rotaion,hue, merging and brightness.
6. Utility Functions
Class / Design Pattern Description
debug quick debug function by console output
transform functions direction enumeration, Vector2D struct, Position Pair struct, util-functions coping with 2d translation, indexing, 2d rotation, center rotation and some high-performance function(see performance section)
math functions to implement procedural animation, I write some 2d & linear math function to use: clamp(with boundary), random generator(with boundary), linear interpolation, ping-pong, smooth step.
timeStr translation interpret time in second int to string with format.
check contain template function to check if an object can be found inside a given list.

3. Features

1. Map System
Class / Design Pattern Description
CaveGenerator This is a rouge-like survival game. Therefore, I made an auto-generated cave map with size 12800 * 7200 which the player can explore in the cave with a 720 * 720 sized camera following.
1. I implemented this by first randomly by given seed setting each tile type of the map as cave tile/empty ground tile and then using a cellular-automata algorithm to smooth the noised map several times(based on strength) to converge all same tiles to generate several caves.
2. After that, I implemented a flood-fill algorithm to get all caves I got and refine the map by eliminating the cave with invalid size (too small or too big). Finally, I implemented another modified TSP AI algorithm to connect all caves by finding the shortest path btw two tiles that are edges of every two caves and creating paths btw them by setting all tiles whose coordinates are overlapped by the lines btw these pairs of edges with a pre-set width.
3. When connecting caves, by making sure all caves are connected, I set the cave with the largest size as main cave and make each cave is either connected to the main cave or the cave it connected with is connected to the main room and recursively. Therefore, all caves are achievable by the player after this process.
4. During the generation, this generator will also initialize other tile types such as rune's position, dead walls, enemy spawning points and player's initial position.
RuneManger During the generation of cave map, before connection all the cave together, CaveGenerator will set runes' position as tile type in each cave. The number of runes in each cave is based on their size with a minimum value as 1. It's RuneManger's job to initialize runes and handle all events to each runes.
GroundRender This tile map as environment renderer will control the random environment features like fuzzy visual effect and different images of stones on the ground.
2. Player & Control
Features Description
Living Entity the player is a subclass of LivingEntity which can be killed by enemies (named Gallo).
Image Animation the player has 3 sets of 3-frame animations which are: idle, left, right. Note that the left and right animations are not simply mirrored because of the same direction of shadowing.
Visual Effect (procedural animation) 1. When attacked by enemies (Gallo or DeadWall), the player sprite will flash with a lerped time interval to inform the player of the damage.
2. When the HP is lower than 20%, the player sprite will be masked with red color to inform the player.
player controller handles the user input with smoothened playing experience by check x/y collision separately to avoid some stark stops.
3. Enemies (Gallo & Dead Wall)
Features Description
Gallo 1. We have two types of enemies. Gallo is a subclass of LivingEntity which can be killed by the player.
2. States: gallo has 5 states and 4 behaviors.
3. Inactive: all dead/asleep gallos are inactive which are invisible and to be re-spawned by EnemySpawner
4. Wander: when gallos are far enough (300 radius) from the player, they just keep wandering in a random speed and to a random position (100 radius from current position in frequency as 5s max) while keep detecting the player.
5. Chase: when detecting the player, the gallo starts to chase the player with speed a little faster than player. The target position is updated in a pre-set frequency (1s per update)
6. Attack: when the gallo is close enough (50 radius) to the player, it starts to attack the player in a frequency of 0.3s with damage 30 (see animation below).
7. Sleep: when the gallo is even far enough (1000 radius) from the player and think the player will not be approached in a while, it stops wandering and makes itself sleep and waits for the EnemySpawner to awake it at a new position again near the player.
8. OnDeath: when killed by the player, the gallo starts to play the death effect before finally disappearing. (see animation below)
EnemySpawner All gallos are controlled by EnemySpawner.
1. the max number of gallos alive in the game: 25 max.
2. the interval of spawning is 0.8s
3. the position of each gallo spawned: 400 radius from player(outside the camera's view), to give the player a feeling that the enemies are already there.
Gallo's Animation 1. All animations of all states of gallo are made by code (procedural animation) without image.
2. Wander & Chase: When wandering, the color of eyes of gallos are black with fuzzy feathers; when detecting and chasing the player, they turn to red.
3. Attack: When attacking the player, they transform to a new dark formation: 1. growing its size at a linear interpolated speed; 2. using their dark feathers to attack.
4. Death: On death, they transform to a new formation: 1. turning into white color; 2. growing its size at a linear interpolated speed while shrink their oval's width to vanish.
5. They display themselves based on left and right direction.
Dead Wall 1. This type of enemies is treated as dangerous environment, which is undamageable and player needs to avoid.
2. All dead walls are generated by DeadWallSpawner living on the edge of the cave.
3. When the player approaches, all walls around the player will be awake and start to attack the player at a short interval with lower damage (3).
4. Spell System
Features Description
Wand 1. There is a wand flying around the player which can cast Magic Bolt (projectile class in code)(trigger by mouse and support auto shooting when pressed).
2. The wand is a game object whose position controlled by the user's mouse position. The wand will always be around the player (35 radius) and facing the direction to the mouse cursor.
3. It is the wand's job to cast spell and produce projectiles to hit enemies.

4. The wand has a 2-frame animation with images.
5. To enhance a smoothened experience, I used states to control if the wands can produce magic bolts to allow the user keep firing when keeping the left mouse down instead of the need of clicking multiple times.
6. There is no limit on cast magic bolts, fire as you wish!
Magic Bolt (Projectile) 1. Projectile is not a game object but rather a Collidable class contains information of the projectile position, when to explore, if hit enemies or walls.
2. It is the wand's job to render animation of each projectile based on their states.
3. Flying: when initialized with mouse direction, the projectile starts at the exact position of wand's orb and flies to that direction at speed 5. While flying, the bolt grows at the speed tuned by smooth-step algorithm by lerp until it hit some enemies, walls, or disappear if out of the camera's view.
4. Explode: when hit enemies or walls, it causes damages(1000 on gallo) and plays an explosion procedural animation by **implementing a ping-ping algorithm ** to bounce the size of the projectile while a blue cast shadow for delayed seconds (1s).
Thunder Zone As mentioned at the beginning, the player can control the power of thunder, here it is.
1. By pressing right button, a Thunder Zone will appear around the player and grow to a max radius.
2. All the enemies inside the Thunder Zone will be kill by Lightning strike (Thunder bolt).
3. However, this spell is too powerful so it consumes energy (MP). The MP will resume as time goes.

4. Camera shaking: when casting thunder zone, the game camera will be informed to handle a shaking effect!!!
Thunder Bolt 1. Its the Thunder Zone's job to initialize, control and render all thunder bolts, similar as Wand to Magic bolts.
2. The animation of each Thunder Bolt contains two types:
3. Lightning strike by Procedural animation: when initializing the thunder bolt, a list will push the end position as target's position and the add the start position as the top of target just a little above the view of camera so the player can have a feeling the thunder comes from the sky. Then based on the distance of two position. It will calculate and add number of internal position into the list with random offset to form the effect of a thunder strike. Finally, it will be played in a very short interval to simulate flash effect.
4. Explosion effect by 2-frame animation with images: cast a explosion effect at the target position.
Runes 1. All the runes are initialized in inactive state by RuneManager during map generation phase and controlled during the game. When the player approaches a rune and activates it, the rune will go into activating state and release powerful spell to kill all enemies around(400 radius) and finally go into active state delayed by 5 seconds. After that this rune will no longer be needed and will be removed from the DisplayableObjectContainer and deleted.
5. UI
Features Description
GameScene - GameUI This UI is a gameobjectl, with an inner debugPanel(can be helpful during dev. and debug), to display the current state of the player, such as current HP, the number of Kills, the number of Runes activated, surviving time and FPS.
I intentionally designed and arranged an animated UI panel to present an active feeling for the player in the game with the colour scheme similar to the player (cyan and white).
GameScene - GameOverUI When the player is killed, the game Scene will display a Game Over UI with a drew picture(see screenshots below) as background to let the player to choose play again or back to the Start Menu. This UI is designed as an inner state of the GameScene instead of a separate scene because I intended to make the UI semi-transparent and still render the game scene (such as enemies and players) with only stop some specific elements (such as enemies's wandering, player controls and some data)
GameScene - PauseUI Similar to the GameOverUI, when pressing Space button, the game is paused (only the enemy movement, player control and timer in the UI are paused, all other animation are remained) and a semi-transparent smoke effect is displayed on the game scene. Then, the player can choose to resume the game or go back to the Start Menu.
GameScene - WinUI Similar to GameOverUI, when the player has activated all the runes (though it is not trivial to achieve that lol, I secretly added a developer sugar to let you win directly during the debug/test by pressing "o", don't tell any others please,between you and me.)
IntroScene Instruction scene presents you a great (I reckon at least) hand-drawn user manual to teach you how to play the game. It is scrollable and draggable by ViewCamera and two FilterPoints, have fun with it.
LoadingScene I intended to design a "fake" Loading Scene because we are doing mono-threading, the loading cannot really load under the scene. But hopefully, this scene would smooth the cringgy feeling of stark loading time and giving players a good feeling.
MenuScene This is a menu scene with a interactable sand simulation system. By click left mouse button, the user can generate more particles into the scene; by click right mouse button, the user can erase all the particles around the mouse position. And all other particles will simulated the sand behavior to fill the erased gap.
when the number of particles exceeds a specific number, the bottom level of particles will be eliminated to ensure there will not be too many of them!
Each particle is a struct contains a fixed color to simulated a noise effect of sand. Of course it is still a menu page with four animated button.
RecordScene In this scene you can view the best record made by previous players. And you are allow to reset the record with a rest button.
ResultScene After winning the game, you are transferred to this scene to show your record and compare with the best record. You will be asked to input your name with alphabetic character within a length of 25. Of course you can discard your record and go back to menu directly.
6. Particle System - sand simulation
Features Description
PaiticleSystem I designed a particle system to simulate a sand simulation by cellular automata algorithm on the Menu Scene and loading Scene.
1. Inspired by famous game Noita:
2. By click left mouse button, the user can generate more particles into the scene; by click right mouse button, the user can erase all the particles around the mouse position. And all other particles will simulated the sand behavior to fill the erased gap.
3. when the number of particles exceeds a specific number, the bottom level of particles will be eliminated to ensure there will not be too many of them!
4. Each particle is a struct contains a fixed color to simulated a noise effect of sand.

4. Performance Optimization

Features Description
Render Environment 1.Because the game map is huge compared to the screen size, I check the boundary coordinates of camera every frame and only render the elements efficiently inside the view of camera.
2. As the ground is a tile manager, and only a few random stones needs to be pre-set and render separately, instead of render the ground tile one by one with the same colour, I simply fill the background as a dark grey colour and skip the tiles that are empty and only draw the wall tile as black. For the environmental stones, make a separate tile manager class to render the stone sprites. This simple pipeline made the process much faster.
Dead Wall This consume the most performance during the game because each single unit will need to detect the player's position and echoing to their neighbour to attack the player. So I changed the recursive echoing to a simple radius detection and only change the players' state to make sure the player will only take the damage from all units once per frame.
drawSomeTile TBC, unfixed bug still here, so I used drawAllTiles instead, will fix it later.
fast get the distance(target offset) by a speed and unnormalized direction Vec2 utils_offset_by_direction(double distance, const Vec2& unNormalizedDir) I found a faster method to normalize vector: by Getting absolute value of each vector

5. Demo Screenshots

Loading Scene


Game Demo



Game Over


Pause Scene


Winner Scene



User Manual


6. Demo Video

7. Dev Log

1. particle system(sand) (AI: cellular automata)
  1. procedural generated cave (AI: cellular automata + flood algorithm)

    • randomization - smoothing
    • connection btw separated caves
  2. Player (sprite + movement + rotation)

  3. Player weapon(wand) (translation +cast spell + projectile)

  4. Player sprite BG mask out

  5. Camera (by translation filter)

  6. Player magic shoot (trigger by mouse and support auto shooting when pressed)

  7. Map edge refining

  8. collision detection (utils-funciton + collider layer)

  9. better collision detection enhance smooth experience by checking input separately

  10. animator - animations - id, frames

    • at this point of time, I have learn to use shared_pointer right now, so I will use this feature from now on.
  11. need to change shared to unique!

  12. dead wall enemy & (idle/attack - frequency&density)effect & optimization !!!!!

  13. damageable & living entity

  14. projectile destroy when: 1. hit wall, 2. hit enemy 3. out of screen(so you can chase it inside the screen)

  15. implementing a lerp and ping-pong function for procedural visual effect!!!!

  16. enemy spawn system: clamp to make wander far enough

  17. procedural animation : effect lerp when taking hit

  18. procedural animation : magic shoot floating fly + bloom

  19. procedural animation : gallo death effect

  20. finite-state machine (FSM). ! nice !

  21. Thunder Storm!

  22. UI - life bar & MP for thunderStorm

  23. UI - data

  24. camera offset limiting

  25. UI - procedural animation

  26. Rune effect - two states now

  27. menu page: BG animation

  28. menu page: sand simulation - random + positioned + moused

  29. menu page: sand simulation - erasable by mouse

  30. menu page: sand simulation - color noise!

  31. menu page: sand simulation - restrict the number of spirit-particles, auto erase when exceeding.

  32. menu page: 4 buttons with animation

  33. using fillBackground() rather than filling every single tile to draw BG: enhance performance!!!

  34. add groundRenderer to draw random sprite on ground

  35. groundRenderer: add random texture to provide gaming feeling

  36. shaking camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. add a pause state in GameScene

  38. make pause UI shadowing the original game screen

  39. add smoke effect by self-defined ImageMappinin pause UI

  40. fixed resume time

  41. Game over UI shadowing and pausing the original game screen

  42. add Game over UI BG.

  43. Game over: replay + back to menu

  44. WIN UI shadowing and pausing the original game screen

  45. WIN lightening effect TBCTBCTBC

  46. 15th

  47. Added a new title visual effect on pause, gameover, win and result screen

  48. Added a RESULT SCENE with record.txt (r/w)

  49. Added a user name input bar by keyboard

  50. Added discard and save button with alerts

  51. Added a pattern detection for input and non-empty check when saving

  52. Added an animated loading Screen

  53. Added initialization log on loading screen

  54. Added particle system without mouse handling on loading screen

  55. Added Thunder Zone Spell when a Rune is activated

  56. debug on multi-kills by one spell (now only effect is remained without taking damage)

  57. adjust spells' balance with enemies.

  58. 16th

  59. Instruction screen with zooming (filterpoints)

  60. record view screen

  61. added an user manual on instruction scene