- 0
- 0
Correctness issue on multi-objective optimization
#7569 opened by merlinsun - 3
- 0
Segmentation Fault (Heap-Use-After-Free) in Z3 when Parsing Invalid SMT2 Rule
#7574 opened by chinggg - 0
- 1
License of DLLs in Windows Wheels
#7575 opened by hyandell - 1
unsupported logic UFDTLIRA
#7571 opened by huhuhu777 - 1
user_propagate_function not exposed in Python API
#7570 opened by linusheck - 2
z3 cannot simplify (v << 3) + 1 - (v << 3)
#7546 opened by fkil - 1
- 0
- 9
z3 browser init can't work as directed
#7556 opened by dberlin - 1
Spacer: New bug after previous fix?
#7566 opened by jena-kling - 9
z3/spacer returning UNSAT for sat-instance
#7505 opened by jena-kling - 1
An error occurred while executing the following Python program. OSError: exception: access violation reading 0x0000000000000000
#7564 opened by GEMINI1999 - 0
Z3 throws a segmentation fault when getting the model of a formula with algebraic datatypes
#7563 opened by muchang - 2
Stray lines left in commit
#7560 opened by LeventErkok - 0
Convergence regression
#7561 opened by LeventErkok - 0
Invalid model issue related to options
#7549 opened by r0ayane - 0
Compilation warnings
#7559 opened by LeventErkok - 3
Wrong result "unsat" for Spacer
#7554 opened by jena-kling - 1
- 1
Vandalized Link on Wiki
#7552 opened by toolCHAINZ - 3
- 7
Performance regression on stratified EPR formula
#7515 opened by kenmcmil - 3
Z3 hangs when checking large polynomial formula
#7539 opened by houseofwealth - 1
Wrong solution for subset and Bool Set
#7544 opened by leuschel - 0
The runtime of z3 is too long
#7542 opened by frankeyjin - 3
Incorrect result in optimization problem
#7493 opened by merlinsun - 4
regression with arith.solver=6
#7502 opened by mtzguido - 9
Nondeterministic behavior observed despite seed set
#7525 opened by Eladkay - 1
Slow unsat multiplication overflow solving
#7526 opened by alph6 - 1
Z3 hangs when adding polynomial formula
#7536 opened by houseofwealth - 0
`produce-unsat-cores` affects convergence
#7538 opened by mtzguido - 0
Assertion violation in sat_integrity_checker.cpp:110
#7532 opened by r0ayane - 1
Spacer: Wrong sat-result due to name clash?
#7521 opened by jena-kling - 1
Z3 ignores errors
#7528 opened by Timmmm - 1
Head Broken - Unable To Compile src/ast/sls/sls_arith_lookahead.h - Missing `::sqrt`
#7527 opened by ErrWare - 4
Func decls for floating-point operators `+oo`, `-oo`, `+zero`, `-zero` and `nan` have no parameters
#7524 opened by pclayton - 0
`Z3_get_numeral_string` may produce sexpr format for floating-point numerals
#7523 opened by pclayton - 1
compiler error trying to build from source
#7520 opened by houseofwealth - 2
- 1
Z3Exception: b'mbp to-real'
#7517 opened by houseofwealth - 0
python: load libz3 with soversion
#7518 opened by sertonix - 0
- 0
- 1
Parallel in z3 to speed up?
#7511 opened by XiangyuG - 6
SAT check on an `ite` returning an unexpected `unknown`
#7507 opened by PetarMax - 1
Alpha-renaming causes convergence issues
#7494 opened by LeventErkok - 2