
Backend for UR web-coding-challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Backend for UR web-coding-challenge : Nearby Shop Listing App

Summary :

Specification :

Functional specs from the challenge's repo :

The coding challenge is about implementing an app that lists shops nearby.

  • As a User, I can sign up using my email & password
  • As a User, I can sign in using my email & password
  • As a User, I can display the list of shops sorted by distance
  • As a User, I can like a shop, so it can be added to my preferred shops
  • Acceptance criteria: liked shops shouldn’t be displayed on the main page

Bonus point (those items are optional):

  • [BONUS] As a User, I can dislike a shop, so it won’t be displayed within “Nearby Shops” list during the next 2 hours
  • [BONUS] As a User, I can display the list of preferred shops
  • [BONUS] As a User, I can remove a shop from my preferred shops list

Setup :


Do not forget to install packages with

npm install


This project uses dotenv to setup environment :

  • api unit tests :

    • api/shops/test.env
    • api/users/test.env

    Expecting :


    Each endpoint should have its own testing database

  • auth :

    • api/users/helper/auth/auth.env

    Expecting :


    Serves as secret for sessions encryption

  • global env file :

    • .env

    Expecting :

      DB_URL is necessary, PORT number defaults to 3000


This project uses mongodb (version >= 4.0), So you need to have a local or remote mongodb instance.

Collections :

  • users : stores users (Schema)
  • shops : stores shops (Schema)
  • sessions : stores sessions, managed by connect-mongo package

Indexes :

You need to create 2 indexes :

  • 2dsphere index for location field in shops collection
  • unique regular ( 1 ) index for email field in users collection
  • sessions' expires index managed by connect-mongo package

Run :

Once setup is finished you can run the server with :

npm start


The API is generally RESTFUL and returns results in JSON. Enpoints and JSON formats dealt by the API are documented in each of the API's subfolders' READMEs:

Example :

GET request to /users/ returns a response in this shape :

    status : 200,
    message : "Successfully received users"
    data : [
            _id : <userId>,
            email : <userEmail>,
            password : <userPassword>
        // ... (other users)

⚠️ Generally all POST and PUT requests expect JSON request body

Authentication :

  • CRUD : JWT (yet to implement)
  • /users/pref and /shops/nearme : session cookies

Session Cookies Authentication :

POST to /users/login with request body :

    email : <userEmail>,
    password : <userPassword>

Should respond with a successful login JSON and set a valid session cookie if the credentials are correct.

Test :

Once setup is finished you can run the server with :

npm test


  • Document API endpoints
  • Inline documentation
  • CRUD API Authentication (JWT ?)
  • User API validation and CRUD tests + implementation
  • Handling shop pictures
  • Performance testing
  • Integration testing

Possible Enhancements :

  • Use TypeScript
  • Use mongodb native driver (performance)