Develop a WebApi based on a DDD Pattern in .Net6
Develop a Angular CRUD Application to maintain the data with validation in front and backend ( use FluentValidation Syntax in Both)
The Angular Application also should have a overview with an grid
The Application should be startable with a docker-compose and checkable
If you want to run the project using docker, you need to install Docker
- You can change the connection string in the following file if you want to use another database:
// Go to the backend folder
cd backend
// Go to the BookAuthorCRUD folder
cd BookAuthorCRUD
// Open the appsettings.json file and change the following line:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING"
- If you want to use another connection string, using the docker-compose.yml file, change the following environment variables:
Open the terminal and go to the root folder of the project
Run the following command:
# Run the containers
docker-compose up
# or
docker compose up
- After the containers are up, open the browser and go to the following url:
- To run the frontend side, open the terminal and execute one by one the following commands:
# Go to the frontend folder
cd frontend
# Install the dependencies
npm install
# Run the frontend
ng serve
- To run the backend side, open the terminal and execute one by one the following commands:
# Go to the backend folder
cd backend
# Go to the BookAuthorCRUD folder
cd BookAuthorCRUD
# Run the migrations
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet ef database update
# Go to the root folder
cd ..
dotnet run --project BookAuthorCRUD
This is a test project I called Book App, which is an app that is using the following technologies:
# Frontend
- Angular 16
- Bootstrap 5.3
- Angular Material 16
- Axios
- FluentValidation-ts
# Backend
- .NET 6
- Entity Framework Core 7
- SQL Server 2019
- MediatR
- AutoMapper
- FluentValidation
- LanguageExt
- Docker
- DDD (Domain Driven Design)
- Unit Testing (xUnit)