
Lets make something...


  • Backend: SpringBoot 3.1.2; Java 17
  • Fontend: React

How to Build

    • {UNIX}:
      • Run mvn clean install
      • cd target
      • Run nohup java -jar TriforceTunaWebClient-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > app.log 2>&1 &
    • {WINDOWS}:
      • Open IntelliJ and click Run (configuration is setup and ready)
    • Open terminal > cd frontend > run npm install
    • {UNIX ONLY}:
      • Run export RIOT_API_KEY=<your-api-key> to store key locally and not in repo
      • Run nohup npm start > frontend.log 2>&1 & OR npm start (if you don't want it to stay running)
    • {WINDOWS}:
      • Run set RIOT_API_KEY=<your-api-key> to store key locally and not in repo
      • If this does not work, set one manually to your System Environment Variables
      • Run npm start

How it works:

1.) Frontend Initialization: index.js entry point (Loads App.js)

2.) Rendering the Main App: App.js renders the components i.e. SummonerInfoComponent.js

3.) User Interaction: User inputs name and clicks submit. Request is submitted to backend.

4.) Backend API Call: When submit is clicked and request received by endpoint, takes over and uses the class to fetch data from the Riot Games API.

5.) Riot Games API Call: RiotGamesApiService makes request to RG API using the provided info. Retrieves the information and returns to us i.e. SummonerInfo

6.) Displays Data: Done