Noël Readme


Noël is a minimalistic Linux distribution that aims to be very BSD like. The name is an acronym for NetBSD on Embedded Linux. Similarly to how the BSDs are strctured, Noël splits the system into two seperate parts: a base system and third party packages. It is structrued as follows:

The Base System

The base system is a minimalistic embedded Linux system using the following packages:

  • BusyBox 1.33.1
  • GNU Binutils 2.36
  • GCC 10.2.0
  • GNU Libc 2.33
  • Zlib 1.2.11
  • Ncurses ???
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1
  • Linux 5.10
  • A few supporting scripts and config files for good measure

Third Party Packages

All other available packages are managed by pkgsrc, the same third party package system that NetBSD uses (hence the distribution name).


The following top level directories exist:

  • world: contains the source code and build directories for the base system's user space.
  • kernel: contains the source code and build directory for the Linux kernel.
  • linux: symlink to kern/src for compatibility purposes.