
Vulkan demos and tutorials.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Vulkan Demos and Tutorials

This repository is a collection of simple applications using the Vulkan API. The source code is heavily commented and structured so that a beginner can start learning the basics of Vulkan.

The language used is C++11/14. All the code is available under the MIT license.

The code currently has been tested only on a Nvidia GTX 760 graphics card, using the official Vulkan drivers (Nvidia 364) on Linux Mint 17.3. The only windowing system currently supported is XCB; patches are welcome!

Demo list:

  • 00 - Commons

    Not really a demo: it's a collection of functions common to all the other demos (object creation, initializations etc).

  • 01 - Clearscreen

    This demo shows how to create a window using SDL2, create a Vulkan Instance, Physical Device, Device, Queue, Swapchain, Command Pool, Command Buffer, and submit commands to clear the screen with a specified RGB color.

  • 02 - Triangle

    The famous Triangle "Hello World": this demo shows how to create a vertex buffer and transfer data to it, how to create a renderpass, a pipeline and framebuffers, and how to send simple drawing commands to the GPU.

  • 03 - Double Buffering

    This demo shows how to enhance Demo 02 to do double buffering, so that the CPU can generate the next frame while the GPU renders/presents the previous one.

  • 04 - Push Constants

    This demo adds Push Constants to Demo 03, to display a simple animation.

  • 05 - Textures

    The classic rotating cube: this demo shows how to upload textures to the GPU and use them in rendering.

  • 06 - Compute

    This demo shows how to use Vulkan's compute shaders, and how to synchronize the compute queue with the graphics queue to display the computed results.