
Boilerplate for React.js with Bootstrap and Font Awesome integrated, along with React Router DOM, featuring pages and components folders, with additional files removed.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React.js Boilerplate with Bootstrap and Font Awesome

This is a basic React.js boilerplate project integrated with Bootstrap and Font Awesome. The project structure includes React Router DOM with pages and components folders. Unnecessary files have been removed for a clean starting point.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone https://github.com/ZAINKHAN25/Boiler-Plate-React.git
  2. Install Dependencies:
    npm i

Run this command in the root directory of your project to install the required dependencies.

  1. Start the Development Server:
    npm start

This command will launch the development server, and your React.js application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

Project Structure

|-- Components/
|   |-- Navbar/
|   |   |-- index.jsx
|   |   |-- Navbar.css
|-- Pages/
|   |-- Home/
|   |   |-- index.jsx
|   |   |-- Home.css
|-- App.jsx
|-- App.css
|-- index.js
|-- ...

Feel free to customize the project by adding your components and styles as needed.



To customize the Navbar, modify the content in the following file:

  • src/Components/Navbar/index.jsx

Home Page:

To customize the Home Page, modify the content in the following file:

  • src/Pages/Home/index.jsx

Feel free to customize the project by adding your components and styles as needed.


This project uses the following dependencies:


  • Enable JavaScript to run the app.
  • Bootstrap and Font Awesome are linked from CDN for easy integration.