
I'm ChenYFan

A Student From 🌏China🌏 And Am Loving Coding


wget -O MyProfile profile://ChenYFan/README.md

--22:33:44--  profile://ChenYFan/README.md
           => `README.md'
Resolving ChenYFan... -1.-1.-1.-1, ::-1
Connecting to ChenYFan|-1.-1.-1.-1|:65536... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 200 [text/html]

40%[========================>                                      ] 200          100K/s   in 2s 【English】

100%[=============================================================>] 81          100K/s   in 0s 【Chinese】

10%[=====>                                                         ] +∞          20K/s   in +∞s 【C++】

14%[======>                                                        ] 102400       0K/s   in +∞s 【PHP】

45%[===============================>                               ] 65535       655K/s   in 101s 【LiunxServer】

2%[=>                                                              ] 990900          --.-K/s   in --s 【Javascript】

?%[???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????>] ??          ??K/s   in ??s 【???】

33:44:55 (2.333333 MB/s) - `README.md' saved [81/81]

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🍻 Give Me A Cup Of Beer?