
use packer manager to configure my neovim

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

My Neovim Config

WARN: 本项目有前置依赖,具体可以查看lunarvim的依赖,毕竟这个项目来源于Lunarvim的贡献者ChristianChiarulli的neovim配置。 由于lunarvim只提供了基础的配置,像是lastplace,undotree等等很多好用的插件都需要自己加装, 虽然有详细的文档但是在别人的封装上加东西还是麻烦的, 还需要修改自己的键位配置。 需要注意几点:

  1. 本配置依赖于nerd fonts字体,推荐使用Hack Nerd Fonts
  2. node可能会出现权限的问题,这里建议使用nvm来安装nodejs,多版本还能避免这种奇怪的问题
  3. 需要在.local.share.nvim下创建undo文件夹,用于undotree,可能还需要其他的,在看吧

Try out this config

Make sure to remove or move your current nvim directory

Run nvim and wait for the plugins to be installed

NOTE: (You will notice treesitter pulling in a bunch of parsers the next time you open Neovim)

Get healthy

Open nvim and enter the following:


You'll probably notice you don't have support for copy/paste also that python and node haven't been setup

So let's fix that

First we'll fix copy/paste

  • On mac pbcopy should be builtin

  • On Ubuntu

    sudo apt install xsel
  • On Arch Linux

    sudo pacman -S xsel

Next we need to install python support (node is optional)

  • Neovim python support

    pip install pynvim
  • Neovim node support

    npm i -g neovim


After moving fonts to ~/.local/share/fonts/

Run: $ fc-cache -f -v

NOTE: If you are seeing boxes without icons, try changing this line from false to true at user.icons.lua(many plugins use icons from this lua file)

Java Debugging and Testing

git clone git@github.com:microsoft/java-debug.git
cd java-debug/
./mvnw clean install
git clone git@github.com:microsoft/vscode-java-test.git
cd vscode-java-test
npm install
npm run build-plugin

Install latest rust-analyzer binary

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
$ curl -L https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/releases/latest/download/rust-analyzer-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.gz | gunzip -c - > ~/.local/bin/rust-analyzer
$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/rust-analyzer

session manage

Use possession. A folder named 'possession' need create at .local/share/nvim/ . TODO: This plug-in still has some shortcomings. For the functions with input requirements, there is no pop-up prompt. I hope it can be improved.

It is better to use the pop-up window to complete the operation of the specified parameter for the part that needs to be input