The official ZD-SWAG SDK for JavaScript, available for Node.js backends
The preferred way to install the ZD-SWAG SDK for Node.js is to use the npm package manager for Node.js. Simply type the following into a terminal window:
npm install zd-swag-sdk --save
In a JavaScript(Node.js) file:
// import the entire SDK
var swag = require('zd-swag-sdk');
// initialize an individual service
var androidTA = new swag.AndroidProberProxy();
In a browser with webpack and babel:
import AndroidProberProxy from 'zd-swag-sdk/services/android-prober-proxy'
const androidTA = new AndroidProberProxy({
host: '',
port: 1234
If you encounter a bug with the ZD-SWAG SDK for JavaScript we would like to hear about it. Search the existing issues and try to make sure your problem doesn’t already exist before opening a new issue. It’s helpful if you include the version of the SDK, Node.js or browser environment and OS you’re using. Please include a stack trace and reduced repro case when appropriate, too.
The GitHub issues are intended for bug reports and feature requests. For help and questions with using the ZD-SWAG SDK for JavaScript please make use of the resources listed in the Getting Help section. There are limited resources available for handling issues and by keeping the list of open issues lean we can respond in a timely manner.
Please see for a list of supported services.
Please see Wiki for extended services not listed in the supported services
This SDK is distributed under the MIT License,