Easy Server

You can use Easy-Server to test ZEGOCLOUD's product quickly.


This project is for TEST only! Do not use it for production!

You can copy the code and deploy to your own server.

Get get access token

You may need access token when you using ZEGOCLOUD's service. Click the Deploy button below to deploy a server then you can get access token from it:

Deploy with Vercel



Token valid in 3600 seconds by default. If you want to change the expired time, request with the expired_ts parameter. e.g.


Implement call invitation functionality with

Create Firebase project

We use Firebase FCM for call invitation service.

  1. Go to Firebase Console and create new project if you don't have one.

  2. Generate Firebase Admin SDK Private Key


Deploy service

  1. Click this deploy button below to start deploy your service.

Deploy with Vercel

  1. Create git repository for the service
  2. Open the Firebase Admin SDK Private Key you just obtain at the above step, and fill in the content to the Required Environment Variables parameter input box.
  3. Press Deploy button, wait for the depoly process completed.

Note This URL can also get access token too.

About us
