
πŸ§ͺ Organize Machine Learning Experiments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ This is the development version, with a lot of frequent breaking changes. Feel free to try it out. Use the previous stable version if you want to use it in a project.

This library helps you organize machine learning experiments. It is a quite small library, and most of the modules can be used independently of each other. This doesn't have any user interface. Experiment results are maintained in a folder structure, and there is a Python API to access them.


Organize Experiments

Maintains logs, summaries and checkpoints of all the experiment runs in a folder structure.

β”œβ”€β”€ experiment1
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ run1
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ run.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ configs.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ indicators.yaml
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ source.diff
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ checkpoints
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   └── πŸ“„ Saved checkpoints
β”‚   β”‚   └── tensorboard
β”‚   β”‚       └── πŸ“„ TensorBoard summaries
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ run1
β”‚   ...
└── experiment2...

πŸŽ› Dashboard to browse experiments

The web dashboard helps navigate experiments and multiple runs. You can checkout the configs and a summary of performance. You can launch TensorBoard directly from there.

Eventually, we want to let you edit configs and run new experiments and analyse outputs on the dashboard.


Logger has a simple API to produce pretty console outputs.

Manage configurations and hyper-parameters

You can setup configs/hyper-parameters with functions. πŸ§ͺlab would identify the dependencies and run them in topological order.

def model(c: Configs):
    return Net().to(c.device)

You can setup multiple options for configuration functions. So you don't have to write a bunch if statements to handle configs.

def sgd(c: Configs):
    return optim.SGD(c.model.parameters(), lr=c.learning_rate, momentum=c.momentum)

def adam(c: Configs):
    return optim.Adam(c.model.parameters())

Getting Started

Install it via pip directly from github.

pip install -e git+git@github.com:vpj/lab.git#egg=lab

Create a .lab.yaml file.

An empty file at the root of the project should be enough. You can set project level configs for 'check_repo_dirty' and 'path' in the config file.

Lab will store all experiment data in folder logs/ relative to .lab.yaml file. If path is set in .lab.yaml then it will be stored in [path]logs/ relative to .lab.yaml file.

You don't need the .lab.yaml file if you only plan on using the logger.


samples folder contains a bunch of examples of using πŸ§ͺ lab.



from lab import logger
from lab.logger import colors
Logging with colors
logger.log("Red", color=colors.BrightColor.red)
    ('Red', colors.BrightColor.red),
    ('Cyan', colors.BrightColor.cyan)
Logging debug info
logger.info(a=2, b=1)
logger.info(dict(name='Name', price=22))

Log indicators

Here you specify indicators and the logger stores them temporarily and write in batches. It can aggregate and write them as means or histograms.


for i in range(1, N):
    loss = train()
    if i % 10 == 0:
    if i % 1000 == 0:

This stores all the loss values and writes the logs the mean on every tenth iteration. Console output line is replaced until new_line is called.

Indicator settings

add_indicator(name: str,
              type_: IndicatorType = IndicatorType.scalar,
              options: IndicatorOptions = None)

class IndicatorType(Enum):
    queue = 'queue'
    histogram = 'histogram'
    scalar = 'scalar'
    pair = 'pair'

class IndicatorOptions(NamedTuple):
    is_print: bool = False
    queue_size: int = 10

You can specify details of an indicator using add_indicator. If this is not called like the example above, it assumes a scalar with is_print=True.

histogram indicators will log a histogram of data. queue will store data in a deque of size queue_size, and log histograms. Both of these will log the means too. And if is_print is True it will print the mean.

pair is still under development.


with logger.section("Load data"):
    # code to load data
with logger.section("Create model"):
    # code to create model

Sections let you monitor time taken for different tasks and also helps keep the code clean by separating different blocks of code.

with logger.section("train", total_steps=100):
    for i in range(100):
        # Multiple training steps in the inner loop

This shows the progress for code within the section.

Iterator and Enumerator
for data, target in logger.iterator("Test", test_loader):

for i, (data, target) in logger.enumerator("Train", train_loader):

This combines section and progress


for step in logger.loop(range(0, total_steps)):
	# training code ...

The loop keeps track of the time taken and time remaining for the loop. You can use sections, iterators and enumerators within loop.


exp = Experiment(name="mnist_pytorch",
  • name: Name of the experiment; If not provided, this defaults to the calling python filename
  • comment: Comment about the current experiment run
Starting an expriemnt

This does the initialization work like creating log folders, writing run details, etc.


This starts the experiment from where it was left in the last run. You can provide a specific the run index to start from.

Save Checkpoint

This saves a checkpoint and you can start from the saved checkpoint with exp.start(run=-1).

🚧 Configs

🚧 Training Loop


I was coding existing reinforcement learning algorithms to play Atari games for fun. It was not easy to keep track of things when I started trying variations, fixing bugs etc. Then I wrote some tools to organize my experiment runs. I found it important to keep track of git commits to make sure I can reproduce results.

I also wrote a logger to display pretty results on screen and to make it easy to write TensorBoard summaries. It also keeps track of training times which makes it easy to spot what's taking up most resources.

This library is was made by combining these bunch of tools.


Managing Experiments
