Valheim Server Management with a Discord Bot and Server Statistics stored in InfluxDB

Get the state of your Valheim Server and restart your Valheim server through Discord messages. Store server Statistics in InfluxDB for ingress into Grafana.

What does it do?

Discord Bot

The Discord bot listens and responds to the following messages:

!status - returns "Server is Online/Offline"

!players - returns "There are ### players connected"

!join - returns "You can join the server by copying this IP and pasting (ctrl + v) in game. Password is mysecretpass."

!mods - only active if VALHEIM_PLUS = 1 - provides instructions on how to install Valheim plus on a client

!help - shows this menu

Allows specified servers admins to restart the Valheim server with the !restart_server command

Discord Bot Command Output


Stores statistics about your Valheim server, such as the server availability (is it online?) and the player count. * Statistics can only be gathered from public Valheim servers and the statistics are pulled from Steam.

Valheim Server Statistics in Grafana

Getting Started

These instructions will get you the Valheim server bot running on your Valheim server.


A dedicated Valheim server
A Discord bot

Basic Installation - * Discord bot only *

A Valheim dedicated server is needed. You can use one of these projects to bring a server online:

You need to create Discord bot with Send Messages and Read Message History permissions. Full instructions can be found here:

The easiest way to install is to clone the Github project, created the required .bot.env file and then run docker-compose up -d. The required environmentals are:

DISCORD_TOKEN= The Discord totken for your Discord bot

SERVER_IP= // The IP address of your Valheim server // The domain name of your Valheim server
SERVER_PASSWORD=superstrongpassword // The Valheim server password
VALHEIM_PLUS=0 // Set to 1 if you're running Valheim Plus

If you're only after the Discord bot, delete the docker-compose.yaml and rename docker-compose-bot-only.yaml to docker-compose.yaml

Full Installation

Complete the basic installation first

Allowing Discord users to restart the Valheim Server

Admin priviledges are handled by the Discord User ID - you can find your Discord User ID by following this KB: Where can I find my user/server message ID

Create the file discord_admin_users.txt and enter each Discord User ID on their own line. When a command which requires administrator priviliedges is received, such as !reboot_server, the User ID of the sender is matched against this file; if a match is found the command is run.

Once created, the discord_admin_users.txt needs to be mapped into the Docker container, this can be done by adding a Volume to valheim-bot inside docker-compose.yaml:

      - ./discord_admin_users.txt:/app/discord_admin_users.txt

In order to controll the Valheim server container, we need also need to map the docker.sock into the valheim-bot container. WARNING: Make sure you understand the risks of involved with mapping docker.sock into a container!

To map docker.sock into the valheim-bot container, create a new volume as follows:

      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Start the containers with docker-compose up -d

Once the above steps are complete you should see the !restart_server command in the output from running the !help command. If !reboot_server is not listed, verify the above steps have been completed.

Storing Valheim server statistics to an Influx Database

Two additional .env files need to be created, .stats.env and .influxdb.env:

SERVER_IP= // The IP address of your Valheim server // The domain name of your Valheim server

INFLUXDB_HOST=influxdb // The IP address of the Influxdb host. `` is written in the `docker-compose` file. This can be changed as required. 
INFLUXDB_DATABASE=valheim-server-statistics // The Influxdb database name
INFLUXDB_PORT=8086 // Default port
INFLUXDB_DATABASE=valheim-server-statistics // The Influxdb database name
INFLUXDB_USERNAME=valheim-server-statistics-user // The Influxdb username
INFLUXDB_PASSWORD=superstrongpassword // The password used to secure the influx database
INFLUXDB_PORT=8086 // Default port

Add the relevant parts to docker-compose.yaml:

    container_name: valheim-server-statistics
    image: insidus341/valheim-server-statistics:latest
    restart: always
     - .stats.env
      - "influxdb"
    container_name: valheim-bot-influxdb
    restart: always
      - .influxdb.env
      - ./data/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb
      - 8086:8086

Code for insidus341/valheim-server-statistics:latest can be found here: Github: valheim-statistics

Start the containers with docker-compose up -d. You should now be able to add the InfluxDB as a datasource within Grafana.

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details