
RESTful service for storing and searching for moex securities.

Primary LanguageScala


RESTful service for storing and searching for moex securities.

Technology stack 🔧

  • Scala (v2.13.8)
    • Akka-Http (v10.2.4)
    • Akka-Stream (v2.6.14)
    • Slick (v3.3.3)
    • Cats (v2.8.0)
    • Slf4j (v1.7.5)
  • PostgreSQL (v14.0)
  • SBT (v1.7.2)
  • Docker-Compose (v2.6.1)
  • Liquibase (v4.13.0)

Architecture Solution

The chosen solution is based on the classic layered architecture


  • Presentation Layer represented as controllers
  • Business Layer represented as services
  • Persistence Layer represented as repositories
  • Database Layer represented as PostgreSQL

«Import and Parsing XML» Solution

Importing and parsing xml works based on message queue and scheduler.
The xml table in the database is used as the message queue.
And as a scheduler, the mechanism (Scheduler) built into akka http.

Launch Guide

1. Open the local/infra folder and run the following command:

$ sudo docker-compose up

2. Open the src/main/resources/liquibase folder and run the following command:

$ liquibase update-count 1

3. Now you can start the project (i'm using IntellijIDEA)