
A guessing game web, using Docker, MongoDB, and Python Flask

Primary LanguageHTML

MongoDB Exercises


for python

$ python -m pip install pymongo

in local terminal

$ docker-compose down -v
$ docker-compose up -d


$ docker exec -it mongodb mongo "localhost/pantip" -u root -p password --authenticationDatabase admin


  • ranking - ranking board

  • localhost - home page

    • click Start to start the game (insert a record to collection game)
    • click Ranking to view the top 5 records (rank by score)
  • after click Start

    • you can typing or click A, B, C, or D button
    • you can't send your guess, when it's lenght < 4
    • you can press 'delete' to remove last alphabet
    • you can press enter or click Submit to check your guess (update last record)
    • you can show/hide your hint using url param name hint
  • after your guess is correct

    • click Play Again to play another question (another random alphabets)
