Age Calculator

A page for determining a user's age on other planets for week JavaScript week 1 @ Epicodus, Feb. 9, 2018

By Zach Evans


This is an HTML page that uses JavaScript to determine a user's age on other planets in our solar system. Age is determined by requesting a user's birthday and then converting by using a planet's orbital period.

Future Work

  • Convert decimal results to months and days.
  • Add to UI so a user could click on a planet within the solar system for their age calculation.


Behavior Input Output
Converts a number (year to seconds) 1 31536000
Determines the difference of two numbers [3, 2] 1

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • This project can be accessed here
  • Clone the repository to your machine
  • Run the following commands:
  • npm install
  • bower install
  • gulp build
  • Open in a web browser (was made with Chrome)

Known Bugs

No known issues.

Support and contact details

Contact email:

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • npm
  • gulp
  • jasmine
  • karma


Not needed

Initial Planning


  • Dependencies needed in package.json file:
  • gulp
  • browserify
  • bower-files
  • vinyl-source-stream
  • gulp-concat
  • gulp-uglify
  • gulp-util
  • del
  • browser-sync
  • jasmine
  • jasmine-core
  • karma
  • karma-browserify
  • karma-chrome-launcher
  • karma-cli
  • karma-jasmine
  • karma-jasmine-html-reporter
  • karma-jquery
  • watchify


  • only one html page needed -> forms for user input and a section to display results


  • Develop custom css


  • Update README