Periodic Table

A web application for Java week 4 @ Epicodus, Jan. 26, 2018

By Zach Evans


This is code for the beginning of an API for the periodic table of elements. Using REST, the following actions are currently possible:

  • Create groups for the table (columns)
  • Create periods for the table (rows)
  • Create elements
  • View groups, periods, or elements
  • Assign elements to groups

Next steps are:

  • Assign elements to periods
  • Allow sorting of elements (atomic number, atomic mass, alphabetical, etc)

This was designed so that additional properties like electron configuration or isotopes could be easily added to the objects and database later on.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • This project can be accessed here
  • Clone the repository to your machine
  • Open the project an app like IntelliJ
  • Run the file

Known Bugs

Currently none

Support and contact details

Contact email:

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • IntelliJ
  • SQL
  • Spark
  • H2
  • Postman Screen shots below show how Postman was used to test routes within the file. Specifically, they show how to create a new group and a new element.

Screenshot of Postman Screenshot of Postman