Localization of thoracic abnormalities model based on VinBigData (top 1%)
- aigonna
- AliktkHorizon Tech Services
- AllenLau9679
- awsaf49@ucsb-vrl
- BCWang93china
- benihime91Research Engineer @dashtoon
- BuiKhoiViet Nam
- gh0stwinINESC-ID
- gordonhu608UCLA
- hachimaki8
- hnguyenttCat Planet
- ilyakhovSerbia, Belgrade
- imbibekkSeoul
- ivanpanshinChecklens
- kanatmg
- kentaroy47Keio University
- KlawensSichuan University
- linhduongtuanKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- mibaumgartnerDKFZ Heidelberg
- Muyun99Horizon Robotics/NUAA
- NguyenVuHoaBinh
- ninfueng@tamukohlaboratory
- PengPeixi
- phamvanlinh143Viettel AI
- pianticSeoul
- RedMoon32https:://ssi.inc
- Selimonder
- sherlockxlg
- singhranjodhIndia
- sinhprous1Hanoi, Vietnam
- sun0717
- thaint2901
- xiaoeyuztj
- yshanyesChengDu
- ZhenhuiL1nUniversity of bristol & MBZUAI
- zjw97