Code for 15th place in Kaggle Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track
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Detailed hyperparameters for training
#29 opened by dev-sungman - 2
Tensorflow & Keras version issues
#26 opened by nattu22 - 1
Scores are VERY LOW ? Any reason why ?
#25 opened by thusinh1969 - 0
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open license
#22 opened by tiendzung-le - 0
if i have to add new class with images and then train with pretrained model how could we do it?
#21 opened by DeveloperRachit - 27
my predict method i taking too much time even i am using GPU with 8 GB ram why is it taking too much time
#20 opened by DeveloperRachit - 2
training stuck at the beginning
#17 opened by winiel559 - 1
GPU OOM when training
#19 opened by winiel559 - 13
Issue in inference code for 500 classes
#18 opened by shahidost - 1
issue about doing the inference
#15 opened by huangeason26 - 0
how to save the detected image?
#16 opened by huangeason26 - 2
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Hi, how to use multi gpus?
#13 opened by louielu1027 - 13
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Snapshot/epoch information and log files
#11 opened by akhanss - 1
#8 opened by cyishun1125 - 0
GPU memory in inference
#10 opened by suzhenghang - 1
Inferring on Level 2 by the model
#2 opened by R1j1t - 0
All the detection shapes are the same
#9 opened by RohitMidha23 - 12
Hi,I have a error in run inference!
#6 opened by BCWang93 - 3
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Could you please help me with the soft-nms
#4 opened by jyning12 - 1
Converting to generator CSV file
#3 opened by harshit4084