Last Updated 2023/8/28 Ported from AIMWARE version
**not Release yet **
EZ KILLED NOOB Bilibili Streamer
Dont sell my code on NL/SK/Pri market.It is opensource
But you can transfer to another cheat as free version to spilit out is allowed
Ref:I have used code from
[Release] Danger Zone Speedhack | (Has fixed by me) @Zerdos Thanks for your origin code
[Release] UpperHook Semi Rage Helper (Updated 21/7/2022) | (Used its ui design) @RDX_K3LL3R
[Release] Dangerzone Tweaks (used for extraesp) @ambien55
Note:I have hard coded
1.smg hitchance, due to smg need different value(like bizon,mac10 need low,and mp9,mp7 for high hitchance)
2.static fov 23,For your acc safety,i'm highly recommend you not change the value,and keep "SmoothAim" on (Aimstep).I have banned for lots of acc due to high fov.
3.force set shotgun baim(Headshot is very hard before you being killed)
4.force set sniper baim (this mode awp cant get too much ammo and HS miss will LOSE your winner chance rate)
WARNING:IF YOU WANT USE HIGH FOV you can turn off AimSmooth and FOV will be dynamic that you could always hit cloest ENEMY.(abandon function but still work)
Main showcase:
part of function showcase:
( )Aimstep by Distance(AutoLock & SmoothAim)
( )Anti-Aim step by step (For safety)
( )NotHitShield(by detect shieldguy's eyeangle)
( )HitShieldguyLeg(in target distance that autoaim enemy's calf (can damage) who hold shield)
( )AutoShield(auto inject healthshot when low hp and has shield)
( )ShieldReturn(when reload switch aa to backward shield)
( )exojump SpeedHack(FastHop) with anti-hit aa direction if has shield
( )ShieldHit(when recent shieldguy switch to another weapon instant change aa from 180 to normal)
( )AimDrone(press key to autoaim recent Drone(Manual controlled or Has Cargo)
( )LegitAA(Desync) and roll AA switch
( )ShieldBot (function as kniefbot but support all dz items)
( )worldtoscreen Hostage,Boxes,Healthshot,Ammobox,Cash,Shield,Armor,Piston(include Boxes and p2000 and glock),light weapon box
( )show Endcircle Distance & worldtoscreen it
( )show Recent Drone (will show Manual Drone Distance in screen,and Draw text on it entity)
( )show weapon class on top(when this one has shield,add"(S)" to string
( )show distance on left (localplayer to enemy Distance)
( )show Enemy's Teammate and between two guy's distance, if his auto muted (probably cheating) then add "(Cheating)" (Example "(M)(Cheater) 1000 will11801") in right
( )show ammo status on bottom
( )Show Barrel,RemoteBomb on screen by draw extra photo on it
( )reveal player tablebuy event and print on cheat console or partyapi (Example "菲尼克斯老张 purchased scout")
( )check player who disconnected and print on cheat console or partyapi(Example "Warmup Escaped 特训飓风JF" ,"Defeat Exit 尼古拉斯老王")
( )Check Player who is respawnor partyapi (Example Respawn: Bilibili主播风云错爱)
( )reveal player team and print it on cheat console or partyapi